bloating :( Started by: stacey

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  • stacey

    I swear I should have believed u all ice been eating so much compared to what I normally do as tablets make me sick if I take them on an empty stomach but my god im so bloated I feel like a beach whale !!!! Ahhh advice girlys !!!


    Hey Stacey,

    I know what you mean I feel the same just had my op on Sunday. The nurse also told me that the piills have the side effect of being constipated so that might be while you feel bloated. My mum thinks I should take some Epsom salts to counter act? Gonna give it a try that and green tea I would recommend helps with the digestion.

    Hope that helps!



    Hi girls I’m exactly the same! Had my op on Sunday at highgate and ever since I’ve been so bloated, and unable to go to the toilet! I think I’m goin to try some senekot to see If that helps xxx

    Naomi 1

    I’m exactly the same had mine Saturday and not been toilet just feel so bloated and uncomfortable I’m trying green tea but no luck is far 🙁 xx

    Nancy 1

    hey girl i had my op yesterday morning and ive just weighed myself now and ive put on 10pounds… how is that possible!! im hoping its the bloating and the swelling!! has anyone else weighed themselves afterwards? xx

    AllyH 2

    Bloating and weight gain’s all normal. It does go away – may take a few days or even a week or two to totally go. Senacot, fresh orange juice and prune juice, green tea. 🙂 Happy healing girls xx

    Nancy 1

    has anyone else weighed themselves, jut worried 10pounds is alot nearly a full stone!! xx

    kelly 1

    Well someone else posted the same post recently and like i said on there, i had my op last Wednesday and never went toilet until today, finished my tabs last night! Wow Mt belly was so swollen , its gone down today thankfully, strapping off tomorrow, my nipples are so extremely sore, feel badly bruised uhhh. Need the pressure off them x


    Drink half a cup of prune juice girls it really works don’t drink full cup tho!!! Xxxx

    A30 1

    Hi I’m 12 days post op and today is the first day I don’t feel bloated. It was really getting me down so I looked into it. If you take certain antibiotics it kills all the bad bacteria in your body and can cause bloating. I’ve been taking Yakut drinks morning and night and drinking loads of green tea and it’s helped loads. Also asparagus helps with bloating. X

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