Blood clots? Started by: Sian

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  • Sian 12

    I had my surgery on Thursday, and since being at home I haven’t been as mobile as I probably should have been. I’ve been wearing my compression socks when in bed, and I’ve been walking around when I can. However I now have this awful achey pain in my left calf, and I’ve convinced myself it could be DVT or a blood clot.

    Have any of you ladies experienced anything similar? I don’t really want to call the emergency number, as I don’t want to waste anyone’s time; plus there’s not a lot they’d be able to do about it.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Olivia 30

    I have just had my pre op and the nurse gave me a sheet of paper which explains what kind of things you can expect after surgery including the aches and pains you might get so if you still have that sheet then I would give that a read and see if it is normal, it should also give you a list of things that shouldn’t occur and to ring a nurse if certain things do occur, so if you read that sheet it might put your mind at rest and tell you whether it’s normal or not xxx

    Katie 1

    I had something similar I had my op on the Tuesday 17th and on Friday I starting having this achy pain in my right calf, I tried walking it off for a couple of days but it didn’t go so I booked in the doctors and when I told the doctor I had my boobs done and I’ve had this pain in my leg he told me to go straight to a&e and have a blood test. Luckily everything came back fine no dvt which I thought it was and after a couple of days it went away


    Hiya hun, my calves both became achy second day, i just took the socks of walked sround even massagin them get good blood flow
    . I think they got abit achy as no movement. Dont worry to much. I had it but its calmed down an they feel back to normal x

    Sian 12

    Thanks for your responses ladies – much appreciated!
    Been massaging it and applying heat, feels a lot better now. Going to keep an eye on it and see how I go. Xx

    CLP 46

    Hey sian. If there is any heat coming from the calf (without putting a heat pack on it) and maybe if there’s any swelling or redness, I’d call just in case. I was injured a few years back and not walkin much and my left calf was achey and swollen, but had a Doppler and it was fine. But I’d get it checked, better be safe than leave it just in case x

    Chloe 6

    I had my one week check up today and I had the same pain in my right leg. The nurse had a look and said she wasn’t worried and only to be concerned if it got quite hot and felt hard to touch. Mine seems to be getting better too so hope yours stops aching soon too! Xx

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