body piercings!! PLZ HELP! ? Started by: victoria

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    Ok I have a few body piercings and every time I go for an op (c . sections) they make me take them all out. Which I understand why, but what if u have piercings that u can not take out? Will they allow to use a plaster to cover them? Sounds ridiculous really but its something thats worrying me. I have a tongue and lip which can easily be taken out, but have both ears triple horward helix that would be a problem to take out. Any ladies had tape over piercings plz??


    I couldnt take a couple of my ear peircings out and they didnt even bother taping them just left them, I was told that was just nhs guidelines so it didnt matter, this was at the fitzroy.. so im sure it wont be a problem x


    They arent as strict as u would think hun dont worry xx


    Phew thanks ladies, didnt want to go through all the pain to get them done then lose them.
    Glad to hear they r not as strict as I imagined. Thank u xx


    I had 4 hip piercing and a face piercing all skin diver piercings had to have them all surgically removed before my b/a in August x


    Omg! I will not be happy if I have to take them out. I nearly lost part of my ear through infection but managed to get it better with antibiotics so ill be gutted if I have to take them out. Guess I will ask dr.singh on the 7th xx

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