Boob 'bubble' behind it 350cc HP overs 3 weeks PO Started by: Daisy

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  • Daisy 3

    I had my op 3 weeks ago and love the size, shape, incisions are healing well etc. my left boob tho feels like it has a bubble behind it, this has felt like it for about a week now. My right one feels fine. It’s a really weird sensation when I walk down the stairs or stretch. Has anyone else had this? The left also feels more numb than the right.

    They look lopsided in the pic cos of how I held the camera, you can see one shoulder is higher.

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    They look great hun… xxxxxx


    I had that and still do at 8 weeks post op! My surgeon said it is normal but I would definitely get it checked out as we are all different! Feels good to know I’m not the only person who has this too!! X

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