Boob day done! 400cc Hp overs with Dr Traynor. In love! Started by: Steph

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  • Steph 18

    So, yesterday I had my op day!
    All day I was a wreck, convinced I wouldn’t wake up, convinced they’d look horrible. Everything.
    But all’s I can say, the staff as First Trust in preston, are so lovely & calming.

    I had Dr Traynor! And I can’t fault him one bit, given he’s scary as hell at first he was completely calming and reassuring on the day!
    My admission time was 11am & by 1 I was waiting togo into the theatre, but by the time you see everyone and fill out things etc it feels like half an hour.
    The cannula and actually putting me out was the worse part about the whole thing (I’m a wimp) but I woke up with new boobs so who cares.
    At first glance I couldn’t even believe how good they looked for a couple hours especially with all the changing they’ve yet todo. I’m hoping for a DD/E but have a feeling they’ll be bigger.
    I had 400cc HP overs.

    For more updated & if you wanna see more progress or ask questions I have an instagram which I use more. It’s myaba_jan15th just request. If you’re not a mya or any other BA related account just give us a quick message so i know you’re not a fake.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Steph 18. Reason: Another picture
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Steph 18.
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    Becca 167

    Wow they are amazing for immediately post op! I agree, they look like they’re going to be really big! Pleased that it all went well for you.

    Kylie 29

    They look great, hope you have a speedy recovery.
    I’m in Preston on 23rd, getting nervous now x

    Monica 122

    They look so good straight after the surgery Steph! I wish you big boobs and speedy recovery ☺️ xx

    Anna 3

    Wishing you a speedy recovery! They look great!! I also had 400 cc over with Mr Traynor and they took me from size A to E/ (DD) in some shops. 🙂

    Becca 167

    Don’t be nervous Kylie, it’s going to be an amazing process! You will be so much braver than you think you are when the time comes!

    Elle 81

    They look so nice!! What size was you before you look very similar frame to me and I’m having 400cc unders on the 29th jan! Xx


    They look fab Steph glad you love them 🙂 xx

    Steph 18

    Thankyou! I was a 34b before! Size 10/12 xx

    Steph 18

    Thankyou everyone! Yeah I’m surprised at how good they look especially with that picture being literally a few hours after!
    Very sore today & quite a lot of pressure but it’s all bareable! Hopefully it gets easier soon! Xxxx

    gemma 47

    Look amazing girl! I had 375cc with traynor ours look so similar. Happy healing xxx

    Ruth 116

    Steph your new boobs look amazing ? how’s your pain and comfort now? x

    Steph 18

    Thankyou! Really impressed so far. Just need the pain to go away now aha xx

    Steph 18

    Pains bareable but it’ does hurt quite abit. Hoping it starts togo soon. Day 2 & 3 are suppose to be bad tho so nothing I didn’t expect. Thankyou xxx

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