Boob doesn’t feel secure Started by: Stacey

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  • Stacey

    Hi All,
    I’m just over 2 weeks PO, I have had 400cc under muscle.
    Since day 1my right side has always been worse…pain/swelling etc. I haven’t been able to move my right arm much at all until recently.
    I’m getting lots of strange feelings in the right, I still have pain, can feel the implant moving about (especially when I move my arm) the implant doesn’t feel part of me yet, very alien like, and I have to hold the breast sometimes as I feel like it’s not been secured enough (my bra is tight so shouldn’t be a problem. The pec muscle also goes in spasm and I get shooting pains.
    Has anyone else had this problem?
    I’m going back to see the nurse as I’m really concerned now.

    Shannon 19

    Are you right handed? I had my pre op yesterday and the nurse said that seeing as I’m right handed, the muscle under that breast will be stronger so I can expect a harder, longer recovery on that breast.
    I wouldn’t worry too much just yet xx

    Gizem 3

    I was left handed and my left boob healed much slower then my right boob. After 3-4 weeks they became even, so be patient. I think its because i used my left hand more and the muscle was more tense

    Shannon 8

    Hi Stacey What did your nurse say?
    I believe it’s all normal, I’m 6wpo and my right boob still feels tender & I get a tugging pain when I stretch or take a very deep breath.

    My surgeon said as I’m right handed that side will take a while longer to recover.

    I asked about the shooting pains which I got from 3wpo-6wpo and she said it’s the nerves repairing and nothing to worry about. Was going down my arm and making it feel numb too I was thinking the worst ? luckily has subsided now

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