Boob greed! Started by: Chelsea

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  • Chelsea 1

    My op is on Thursday and I’ve just chose my implants, I originally went in wanting a D and decided on 465 or 480. After my consultation today I decided on 525 and had them ordered. I’m 5ft4 & weigh 55kgs. Do you think these will look ridiculously big on me?


    Hiya, Not sure hun as everyone is diff, i had 465 & 495 the first time round and that gave me an f cup, but I’m 5ft7 and 8 and half stone.. and depends on what you already have, most people have said on here they wish thy had gone bigger, i was offered 550 and 565 but went for 615’s so we are all in the same boat hun, try looking for someone with your exact stats but even breast’s would have to be the same.. tricky ay x Good luck hun x


    your welcome babes, and i’m sure you will be very happy 🙂

    Chelsea 1

    I hope so, will just have to wait and see lol xx

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