Boob is making a funny noise! Started by: Alana Wise

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  • Alana Wise 48

    I’m 7 days po today and although I’m seeing the nurse in about 4 hours for my check up I’m panicking. I’ve had a bit of pain in my left boob underneath it especially when I try an get up. I don’t know if it’s the muscle as I keep contracting it on that side. Not that I can help the contraction.

    I was also feeling down my left boob today and in the cleavage area I rubbed Down with two fingers and it made a noise. Like air was trapped. Sounded like a slight popping. Has anyone else has this and is it normal and does it go? Panicking like crazy x


    Yeah babe, that’s just trapped air and they call it “boob farts” haha! It’ll go away, don’t worry. Good luck with your check up xxx

    Alana Wise 48

    @kikij87 thanks Hun. Did you have them? If so how long does it take for them to go? Xxx


    A few of my friends did and it went away in a week or two! They did say it just feels really weird when it happens but it’s nothing to worry about. There was a girl on here who had it recently, too but I can’t remember who. Don’t panick hun xxx

    Alana Wise 48

    @kikij87 thank you lovely. Although I had my check up today I was just worrying myself. You’ve put my mind at rest haha xxx


    Bless you! Are you getting your strapping off today?xxx

    Alana Wise 48

    @kikij87 no the nurse called me and said if I was comfortable I could take it off on day 4. So me and my boyfriend have already done that task 🙂 just going for the all clear on incisions and showers! Xxx


    Hope it goes well hun!xxx

    Candy 58

    Yess!! Lol i have these at the top of My right boob. My Mum has even heard it. Feels so strange! Xx

    Lucy Anna 146

    I’ve had them! Still got a big air bubble in my left boob which is so uncomfortable & I’m two weeks post op tomorrow 🙁 xx

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