Hey girls – I’m 11 days post op now, and I’m having major boobie blues! I love my new set, and its great to see them dropping already – however i hate the shape that this macom bra makes them look! its dead comfortable but gives me a really wide look making me feel the size of a house 🙁 Feel totally bloated still and I’m dying to get back into the gym. Any other girls feeling this?
I’m sorry to hear your feeling blue Hun, but just think of how they looked before you had them done, and ou still have a bit to go till they settle I’m guessing x
Its common…your really early days!! Bloating..spots..boobie blues happens to most girls just try and accept that changes to your body and emotions will happen and in time everythin will settle x
i am 12 days PO today and feel exact the same, especially due to not being able to drive until today its been driving me crazy! i presume its normal fingers crossed things can only get better now x
I feel you hunny!
Still look pregnant, got a collection of yummy little red spots all over my boobs, all making me not want to go out so stuck indoors feeling really crap.
I miss exercising! Doing my running, weights, squats :(.
So miserable! X