boobs aching period is due!!! Opp friday Started by: chan

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  • chan

    Has anyone had achey boobs before opp there really senstive … trust it to happen now kmt ….

    Lottie 2

    I was on my period before my op and I get really achey heavy boobs .. To be honest the amount of pain killers helped haha 🙂 the op seemed like a breeze in comparison:) I sound so disgusting but was so paranoid about reactions I didn’t wear a tampon or anything for the op haha lovely! Ohh goodluck more exciting in the summer ! Xx


    Ha Lottie do u mean the pain killers that they give after opp because I’ve been advised to not take pain killers before opp… My boobs and nipples feel a hell of ah sensitive lol it won’t cause complication with the actual procedure because im having uplift aswell… Stressing xxx

    Lottie 2

    Yeah sorry after :).. I took some night before and then after the op I didn’t need to 😀 no it really won’t just might be more painful as your having uplift too but hey u will have the best painkillers 🙂 xx


    Yeah defo lol most ppl are nerves to b put to sleep but i can’t wait lol just pray im happy with results and have no complecations…. Thanks Lottie can always rely on you with desent feed back… much love… Mwah xxx

    Lottie 2

    I had no sleep the night before I really needed a 2 hour kip haha 😀 best of luck let us know when u are over the moon .. Don’t under estimate the size don’t forget at first I made that mistake haha sillyness woo boobs 🙂 xx

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