Boobs are on fire!! Help please? Started by: Chantelle Louise

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    Hey girls, I’m 8DPO now and my boobs are on fire tonight?! Mainly my right boob but this has been the more tender boob since day 1, is this normal they’ve not been this hot before?? Xxx

    Imogen (@icrlm) 155

    I’d call your nurse / emergency nurse as that doesn’t sound normal. The feeling of burning or hotness can a sign of infection so best to get it checked out for piece of mind – hopefully it’s nothing to worry about though 🙂


    Do they feel hot to touch? Mine felt a bit like this when it was my period and started to get nerve sensation back then settled does it feel like that or more infection pain? Can always call nurse for peace of mind


    Hey girls, the burning has gone and nurse said it was normal. Thank you for your replies! Xxx

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