Boobs rock hard 5 days PO? Started by: Vickie

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  • Vickie 3

    Hi I’m 5 days PO and my boobs suddenly feel rock hard and really uncomfortable, especially my left (I’m left handed). I still have strapping on so don’t know if it’s that making it worse. I’ve not really had much pain but this is horrible.

    Is this normal or anyone had this before?

    Thanks ladies xxx


    Hi mine are exactly the same. They seemed to get softer but are both really hard today. My incisions are still so itchy too they are driving me mad. I spoke to a nurse yesterday and she said to use ice packs to help with the swelling xx

    Jessica 1

    Hi, me too. I had my boobs done just over a week ago I noticed this morning they are slightly softer. x

    Vickie 3

    Hi girls thanks for replying , I feel a bit better knowing I’m not the only one! Hoping when I get this strapping off tomorrow they feel a bit bitter! Xx


    Hiya, it’s normal for them to be hard as it’s early stages so not to worry. I’m now around 4 months post op and can say they soften up so much like real boobs.


    Mine are exactly the same but it’s weird cos they only get like that in the afternoon and the strapping then feels really uncomfortably tight. Getting the strapping off tomorrow. I can’t wait!

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