Booking a date at the first consultation Started by: Kelly Gartland

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    I have my first consultation on Friday with my PC. I’m constrained to dates of when I can have surgery with having kids a full time job and a partner that works away. I really want the surgery this year but there is literally one week that works. How flexible are they with dates, do you tell them a date you can do or they tell you a date? Also I have been told that to secure a date at your first consult requires more of a deposit than if you wait until your second does this make sense? Is there any benefit of booking at the first appointment?

    Louise 90

    Surgeons are only in clinic for consultations and surgery on certain days/dates, you may be lucky and say this is the week I have off etc and they give some surgeons that will be in clinic at that time frame, however you couldn’t give them a date which doesn’t line up with a surgeon and have surgery. I’d have a consultation, tell them the dates your avaibke and they can easily check if this is possible, surgeons and surgery dates get taken up quickly and there is a long wait for certain surgeons so I’d get in there quickly!xx

    Kay 48

    Normally if you want a certain surgeon they give you the dates they have and you book one of them. If your not really fussed who to have there maybe more dates available x

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