**Botox – has anyone had this and can reccomend Mya or anywhere else?! *** Started by: rainbowdrops8080

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    Hi ladies :)

    I’m thinking of having Botox after my uplift …. In 4 week :)

    I’ve just had lip fillers with Mya and love them …. Think I’m addicted hehe!!

    Can anyone reccomend Mya or anywhere else for Botox!???

    I have smile lines and a few lines on my head!! And does Botox really work?

    Thanks. Xoxoxoxo


    Ooh I want to know this too! And how soon after a BA can you have it? X


    hi girls, my dad is a doctor and specialized in botox/fillers :) he’s amazing. often nurses/people who arent doctors give it – so it’s nice to have a proper GP of 35 yrs doing it. he does home visits and works in the london/bedfordshire/hertfordshire/berks/middlesex areas – no waiting, he’ll do it on first consultation and trust me he’s the best



    Oooo thanks girls :) I’m so excited and really want to get it done …. I was just worried I’d pay money and then not look better or even worse look like a freak lol!!



    No not at all, I never thought to do befor and afters on botox! Lol altho clinic did take pics :) x x


    If u have botox then don’t does it make the area look worse than b4 xx


    Thanks Mayflame :) I’m gonna go to that clinic in Doncaster :)

    It’s 1 and a half hours away but they look fab on the site and I’d feel so much better getting it somewhere recommended :)

    Thanks again


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