Bottoming out or rippling?? Help please Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 143

    Hi ladies, the bottom of my right breast has been bigger for a few weeks now. I didnt think too much of it just thought it had filled out an the left would follow, left as always been slower with dropping etc. Anyway i was laid in the bath last night an noticed that i can feel a hell of a lot of implant hanging down in my right breast like it feels plasticy? I can litrally press it an feel like a pop? I dont understand how i could have rippling in the bottom of my breast i had quite alot of breast tissue there was a C+ so it doesnt make sense! Could it be that its bottomed out? Go to see my surgeon in a few weeks but really stressing now. Had so many ups an downs so far i know that they arnt right both breasts have something not right with them! Xx

    Jen 107

    @lauraj1987 Hi Laura do you have any pictures of what you are describing? How far post op are you? Xxx

    Laura 143

    Hi yes just took some, look totally deformed i knew something was happening! Definitely pushing for revision i cant cope with looking like this. I told my parnter last night about it an he had already noticed but hadnt said anything cos didnt want to upset/worry me. He also said youve still got one bigger than the other aswel. Which i didnt pre op i know we all have slight differences but mine wasnt noticable an my measurments pre op was near on the same for each boob just my left nipple was lower. My right has dropped too far down which is why its hanging in the bottom of my breast. Will attach pic. Absolutley hate looking at these pics what the hell went wrong :'( xx

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    Laura 143

    Obviously my right boob is left on the pics, the one at the top is me pushing them together so you can see the diffence easier, bottom left is how they fall naturally an right is arms up so you can see how much lower the right is. It wasnt lower pre op? Xx

    Laura 143

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    Forgot to add, 11 weeks post op tomorrow xx

    Jen 107

    Hi chick have you held a mirror under your boobs to see where your scars are? Obviously I’m no surgeon and I can’t squeeze them or anything haha but it doesn’t look like they’ve bottomed out as you still have volume above your nipples and your boobs aren’t pointing at the sky. If anything it looks as though your left one hasn’t fully dropped yet? If you look at your scars you’ll be able to tell, it could only be a tiny amount but that’s what could be making the difference? They look fab though honestly and i really don’t think you should worry love but that’s only my opinion, don’t be too hard on yourself xxx

    Laura 143

    I’ve no idea what to think but i dont like how it feels. I did think the left just needed to catch up with the right as my left as been behind throughout the whole process but now that iv felt this bad rippling im unsure on if its normal. Especially because i had quite abit of breast tissue before, so i would have thought id get rippling at the bottom. Top maybe because i had nothing up top. I have just emailed these pics to the clinic i used. Hopefully they will get back to me. Just feel more concious of them now than i did pre op. They were saggy but they looked the same shape/same height an size. Now ones smaller ones higher and different in shape. Such a rollercoaster, but thankyou for your reply means alot for someone to say something nice when all im doing is hating them lol my scars dont seem to have moved xx

    Lorna 57

    I haven’t had my BA yet it’s in 4 weeks but honestly apart from your right being a bit lower than your left I think they look amazing? And from what I’ve read on here they change week by week post op so it could just be that they need more time to drop and settle down? I wouldn’t worry yourself at all they might have changed even more by the time you see your surgeon 🙂 x

    Jen 107

    See what the clinic says chicken but 11 weeks still leaves plenty of time for things to change and your left one may need a little extra time to catch up. Your dominant arm will drop and settle faster because it’s more active so I’m hoping for you that that’s what it is. My right went way down ahead of my left and were odd in size and shape also, my scars are still not in the crease which means they have a little bit further to go yet, but honestly try not to stress about it. I know it’s easier said than done because this whole journey is such a rollercoaster and such a big deal but I really do think they look great and they’re going to turn out just fine xxx

    Laura 143

    Thankyou Lorna really appreciate that when im feeling like something from botched bodies lol think im being abit harsh on my poor boobs lol xx

    An thankyou Jen, yeah hopefully thats all it will be then, fingers crossed.yours look amazing by the way xx

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