Boyfriend :( Started by: Mae

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  • Mae 79

    Anyone else partner being shitty about boob job?
    Mines constantly saying he prefers my smaller boobs pre op, even getting out the old pics of them. I’m like ooo yeh great thanks that’s all I want to hear when I’m currently going through different emotions 24/7 as I’m only 10dpo 🙁
    Just feeling bit disheartened from him saying stuff like that. I didn’t do this for him, I did it for me. Just not nice hearing your partner say that shit :@
    Sorry for the moan. Don’t have anyone else to moan at about this stuff as you guys understand xx

    Kelly Rose 34

    That’s pretty shitty 🙁 my bf is just as excited as I am as he knows her personal this is for me.. I’m sure he’ll come round eventually especially once he’s had a good look at them haha! Maybe it’s an insecurity on his behalf? Knowing you’re gonna have a lot more confidence and a very nice set of boobs! I think he’s just gotta work on accepting that you’ve done this for your own self assurance. Don’t let it get you down or have any regrets!! It’s important you feel amazing for yourself not for anyone else! X

    Laura 143

    Ignore him hun my partner was dead against it, didnt help me in any way afterwards looking after the kids etc, he didnt even look at them for 3 days. He kept sayin i still dont get why u did it when u knew i didnt want u too… it was for me an i dont care what he thinks i paid for them an its my body if id asked him to pay then id understand but not a single penny was his money it was mine lol so he doesnt get a say… anyway now hes got used to em he cant keep his hands or eyes off lol but definitely insecurity because he randomly said yesterday that hes dreading next summer already thinking im going to be flaunting them an says il be getting attention. Im sure your partner will come round xx

    Mae 79

    Thanks girls. Yeah I think it is a bit insecurity on his side as he’s always making snidy remarks about it. It’s just not what you want to hear when you feel pretty shit anyway. Just pretty shitty, like even tho it’s for me I still want him to be happy and at least like them -_- Will just have to see how it goes I suppose. Xx

    Mitch 39

    Aww what a twat hun… partner has been real good to be fair wich has shocked me as he can be really quite shitty when he wants to be, when I first told him how much I wanted a ba about 3 years ago he laughed it off always said be happy with what I had he didn’t belive in operations for something that didn’t need to be done….all that jazz, but when he released I was going to save myself and how much it mentions to me he slowly come round to the idea…he still tried putting me off every now and then saying we couldn’t afford it but I just didn’t shut up about it and didn’t give in to him.but he has took me to every appointment and looked after me all the way through it as any partner should……you have had it done now hunni and he should be supporting you and making you feel good about yourself the only reason he isn’t is because he must be scared of the extra attention you might receive and your new confidence….but that’s no excuse to act like he is…..looking at pictures of your old boobies and saying he liked them better is just his way of making you second guess your own feelings about your new boobies…..he hasn’t give them chance to even settle yet…..hope you have told him he is upsetting you hunni it’s already a very emotional and stressful time for you xxx

    Mae 79

    Yeah @mitch I have told him like why say shit like that. I was only telling him last night like how paranoid I was etc about them and how worried I was.
    I think it’s more his issue than mine and it is exactly like you guys have said like he’s worried about The extra attention I might get etc but that’s a load of poo.
    It just sucks when I’m trying to think positive and happy about them even tho I’m worrying most of the time, you want your partner to be encouraging and supportive :/
    Sounds like you’ve got that!! They just have to realise we get our boobs done for ourselves not for anyone else attention or approval. Xx

    Mitch 39

    @mae that’s it exactly it doesn’t change who we are if anything it give us that bit of confidence we should of always had but didn’t due to our tiny boobies ???? he will come round in the end he just needs to stop saying silly things when what you need is support xx

    Chloe 122

    Maybe coz they haven’t fully settled yet he’s not sure about them, but tell him to n ur remember that wen he wants a feel lol he’s an arse for doing it but take no notice you know u having amazing boobs now xx

    Susan 51

    Im in same boat hun, my husband keeps telling me he isnt into fake but he can sod right off… iv given him kids nd its now my turn to get my body back… 100% its about us, not them ????

    Susan 51

    Im in same boat hun, my husband keeps telling me he isnt into fake but he can sod right off… iv given him kids nd its now my turn to get my body back… 100% its about us, not them ????

    Claire 92

    I think it’s an insecurity thing, they think we’ve got new boobs and all we are going to do is flaunt then off.
    My husband has supported me all the way – he knows this is something that’s been on my mind for year, however in the days running up to me having it done he’d say things like ‘best make the most of these’ etc
    I had them done Monday and he’s obsessed with them already ha! Although he’s said a few times ‘you’re not going to run off and leave me now are you’
    I think once they realise that we’ve had them done for us alone and no one else the world will be a better place! 🙂

    Yvette 85

    Bloody blokes!!! Take no notice, there just as insecure as us, they are selfish self censored nasty twats!!!
    Bet if he was getting a bigger d**k he wouldn’t care whether you liked it or not!!! Ignore it and don’t let him get you down!!
    My boyfriend of 6 years in/off has been nasty before and after my ba!!! He even left me and our daughter the day I got home from surgery!!! That’s how selfish they are! Chin up xx

    Mae 79

    Thanks for your replies ladies!!!
    Yes he’s now commented how my nipples have stretched and he doesn’t like big nipples!! Seriously wtf!!
    Just shit. Seriously considering to get rid!
    Oo god Yvette that sounds bad! Hope things are better now? Xx

    Chantelle 64

    That’s such an insensitive thing to say! My boyfriend didn’t want me to get mine done and said money could go on better things but since my surgery he’s been nothing but supportive… tell your bf to get a grip lol they are just boobs x

    Mitch 39

    There’s no need for him to be nasty saying daft things….wait till they have settled and he’s all over you and telling you your boobies look amazing….then you can remind him that he didn’t like them and made you feel shit about yourself when you needed his support ????xx

    Mae 79

    @cgargano91 I know!! Its like he doesn’t realise what he is saying is hurtful!
    I already have issues about my boobs, hense me paying thousands to try and help this and now he’s saying shit like that!!
    Just being a douche bag xx

    Mitch 39

    Don’t know why it puts ??? When I put an emoji xx

    Kim 4

    Hi Mae,
    It’s my first time posting on this but couldn’t ignore your post! I’m currently 11DPO.
    Split with my partner around 6 weeks ago now as he made my life miserable regarding me having BA. Told me that I crave attention and just wanted to have them done so I could walk around with them out constantly. He went nuts when I had to fill out a medical question I had in the post weeks before the op and continuously had a go at me most nights telling me I was selfish. We went on holiday several weeks ago which he made miserable for me and then told me on
    The way home that if I went through with the op he wanted nothing more to do with me…. I ended it anyway as soon as I got back.
    He knew the date of my op and since then has messaged me constantly wanting to meet up with me…. not happening! Don’t take any crap.. it’s your life and body and do what makes you happy!

    Yvette 85

    Mine said same things, bullet nips…and he hope my surgery goes wrong etc etc constant!!! Awful they do that to us …. dunno why we allow ourselves to be treated in this way 🙁 xx

    Kim 4

    Really sad that some men are clearly very insecure and not supportive x

    Mae 79

    @kimh88 omg Kim that sounds awful! What an absolute arsehole! You defo sound better off without him! He’s prob just realised what he’s lost now and wants to get it back!
    I think it all just comes down to their own insecurities about themselves. They think we do this just to get looked at by men. They don’t see how boobs can actually affect confidence and everything.
    So stupid like my boyfriend like ooo I don’t like fake girls. Yet the celebs he fancies all have boob jobs?!? So I’m like so it’s ok for Those girls but not me?!? Ahhhhh
    Just wish he could be supportive!!
    Ahhh men!! Xx

    Mae 79

    @kimh88 ooo and welcome to the forum Kim!! This place is great so much advice!! I swear I check it more than Facebook now I’m post op lol xx

    Kim 4

    I know! This forum has been a massive help… nice to check other people’s recovery and progress!
    Same as my partner (well ex now) he was very insecure before when I went out so figured he would be 100 times worse now. Don’t let him put you down because he has no right! Your partner should be supportive and should understand that it’s something you want to do for yourself and not anyone else!
    I won’t be getting back with him that’s for sure… I hadn’t told my daughter I was having it done and he felt the need to announce it to her and say that I should be using the money to take her on holiday to Disney land… I was so angry especially because I had said I wasn’t going to mention it to her (just to mention he is not my daughters father).
    I’m so happy I finally made the decision to do it and I’m glad he is no longer around to make
    Me feel bad about it xx

    Mae 79

    No im gunna see how it goes for a bit. I get it’s a change for him, been together on off for like 4 years, he never wanted me to get them done but they are done now he needs to accept it. If he can’t then I will have to have a think. I want To feel good and confident not ashamed and put down about myself.
    Omg that’s so twisted involving your daughter like that! Not sure how old your daughter is but I’m sure when she’s old enough she will understand the reasons why you have done it.
    Hope your recovery is going welll. I’m 10dpo now! Can’t wait till they’re all settled and dropped and fluffed 🙂 xx

    Kim 4

    Just see how it goes hun! He may accept it soon enough! My daughter is 9.. I didn’t want her to worry so my plan was to discuss it with her myself at some point.
    I’m 11DPO and I can’t wait for that either… mine are still covered in strapping which comes off Tuesday… can’t wait to finally see them! Xx

    Mae 79

    11 dpo with strapping still?? Ooo I feel for you! I only had to have mine on for 7 days!! So weird how different surgerons do things differently xx

    Kim 4

    Yep! I was in spire, consultant there leaves the strapping on for 2 weeks… I had to cut the top part of mine off because it was so high you could see it with my tops on. Literally on count down until Tuesday! Xx

    Becky 33

    Oh my goodness girls, reading some of these comments are heartbreaking 🙁 I’ve wanted mine done for years and my ex was dead against it because he didnt want the extra attention on me so never had it done. Anyway that was years ago now and my current boyfriend is so supportive, says he loves me the way I am now but if it helps me then he’s more than happy for me to have it, even willing to contribute almost half the price of the procedure.

    As for the “men” making nasty comments I am shocked!! And to be honest I would run a mile. That’s actual emotional abuse girls!
    Men get like that when they know you deserve better than what they give you and it eats them up because they’re scared you’ll get more attention. Easier said than done but get rid girls, nobody deserves to be body shamed let alone after you’ve had an operation to boost your confidence and spend a fair wedge of money in the process.

    Remember there’s something wrong with them, not you girls. And I hope you’re all happy with your new boobies! Xxxxxx

    Mitch 39

    @becky well said hunni xx

    Katie 3

    Just been reading through everyone’s posts on here and I’m in exactly the same boat. Been with my partner 4 years and we have a house and a puppy together but I’ve finally decided that enough is enough and ended it (even though he’s in denial that we’re breaking up). I’m sick of being put down all the time and he’s saying things like I you’ll ruin your body and if anything goes wrong don’t come crying to me! Just can’t take his shot anymore girls and by the sounds of it I’m not the only one with a horrible boyfriend. I hope you all work things out with yours but don’t settle for him when there’s someone out there who will love you for who you are and will support you in whatever you do in your life. That’s what is supposed to happen surely in a relationship not emotional abuse. It’s gonna be hard for me selling the house (which I love to bits) and moving back home but it is possible – be strong.. us girls need to stick together 🙂 X

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