So 3 weeks to go till my op date and the boyfriend turns around and says he actually doesn’t think I should have it done! I mean, I have my own doubts now and again thinking have I done the right decision! I know it’s all my own choice but my boyfriend has to be the one to see my new boobs all the time and has to love them! I’m so scared of rejection, I can’t turn back, I’m not going for any thing huge or drastic as I’m already a size D ! Going to be an F !
How do I make him feel better about this? Anyone in a similar position ? Xx
Well to start with I think it’s pretty selfish of him. This is something for YOU, not him. That said, if my boyfriend said that he didn’t want me to do it and looked better before then I probably wouldn’t have gone ahead.
Your boobs will look great after your BA! He wouldn’t be male if he didn’t love them! Lol. Try not to worry too much hun. Just tell him that it’ll make you happier and it’s important that you have his support. Xx
I think lots of guys have these thoughts because of there own insecurities and worried about the attention your get. I would say do what u want to do, as long as u are doing it for yourself then your bf should respect ur choice and be supportive
Ooh also seen you’re having Dr Mounir! He’s an amazing surgeon! Good luck xx
im sure everything will pan out fine! I’ve read a few posts about awkward boyfriends! He was so up for it before I booked it! Maybe it’s just nerves now it’s so close!
Hayley! Oh fab, I’ve heard good things and have a lot of faith he will do a good job! X
I posted something about my boyfriend this morning. It doesnt sound like we chose the best supporting boyfriends. I’ve had mine done and I love them, best thing I’ve ever done and my boyfriend said something about them that really upset me but I’m still 100% happy with my decision. If you really want your new boobs get them, you’ll love them and if your boyfriend doesn’t like them, you can get a new boyfriend who does (that’s my plan if my boyfriend makes another negative comment haha.) Good luck xxxxx
Wow asif! it’s an awful situation to be in! He’s not been horrible about it all he’s just telling me he’s not sure about it and what if they don’t go right! Makes me have my own doubts ! In all im worried about not liking them which will probably just ruin me! As for the boyfriend! We are very close and tell each other everything! So I want his honest opinion but it’s far too late for this kind of opinion! Haha
Hope things work out for your boyfriend! I think honestly they say things without thinking!
By the way your photos look fab! There looking pretty natural already ! ?
Sounds to me Lisa like the nerves are just kicking in …. How many of us girls have the same doubts when it gets close … even though we have wanted them done for such a long time we still get scared. Were all human …. Just reassure him, remind him of how you felt prior to the nerves and how excited you both were about bigger boobies lol at the end of the day they aren’t forever they can always be altered or removed in the future …. You only live once xxx
Ashleigh your bf comment was more harsh … And sounds a lot more like insecurities …. Give him a little bit of a chance he may grow to love them … He’s probably just scared of the change physically and of your new found confidence. Just remind your breasts are still quite new, they have time to settle a bit more yet …. At the end of the day he should be proud if your new found confidence and boobies … However if he continues to make rude remarks then it’s his loss, a relationship needs support and understanding … Even if you don’t agree with your partner they should still try to understand your decision …. Boobs really shouldn’t change how they feel about you as our bodies will change through out our lives! Your still the same girl at the end of the day!
My boyfriend was against them, he said I would leave him once I had them…well I’m still here! Men can be very insecure but instead of sitting you down and telling you their worries they make silly comments etc do your boobs for you and have no regrets,I have no regrets and my boyfriend now is super protective about them haha xx
It’s your own body so do what you need to
Interestingly enough, my ex didn’t want me to have it done when we were together but after we split up (we remained friends) he was all for it joking like saying can he have the Job of security to fend off all the guys – I think it’s insecuritirs, maybe a friend said something to him. But perhaps worth having a chat to find his reasons and explaining to him why you want it so bad
Thanks girl ! Really nice to have some support and advice off people who have been through it all!
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