Bra advice Started by: Susan

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  • Susan 51

    Hi ladies
    Im five weeks post op next week, boobs still feel heavy and have dropped a little But im out nxt weekend and sick of the mya bras, can’t get any nice tops… going to buy a non wired bra just for the weekend, will it do any harm and what would you recommend.. it’s only for a few hrs Friday and Saturday night

    Lydia 85

    Hi @sookie A lot of people recommend the Ann Summers Ellen bra. I’ve bought one to wear this weekend for a party. It’s not too bad. Has a bit of padding in it so makes my boobs look huge! Someone’s previously said that it’s not very supportive though. I wouldn’t know as my boobs haven’t dropped at all and are still just stuck on. If you search it in the forum there’s probably pics of girls wearing it so you get an idea x

    Susan 51

    Thanks for getting back hun, scared off doing damage after paying so much! Iv see that there isn’t much support, how far on are you?
    My chest looks huge I had 400cc hp but im really thin so they look bigger, havnt been measured but they feel heavy so really need a bit if support! @Lydia

    Stacey 498

    I got a post op bra from marks and Spencer’s that looked just like a normal bra when I went out I wouldn’t recommend the Ann summers Ellen bra I bought it and it offered me no support at all xxx

    Lydia 85

    I’m 4wpo tomorrow Susan. Had 320cc from a 32a and the bra I bought is 32d. Only wearing it for a few hours. Didn’t fancy risking it but the sports bra looks stupid with my Halloween costume and I kinda want to show them off! I remember now that it was Stacey that said there wasn’t much support with them x

    Stacey 498

    Yeah it will of been me I just felt they was no support there at all but there is s lot a girls that has bought it so I suppose it all depends on how you feel with it on xxx

    Susan 51

    Stacey have you got style make of one you think is good Love?
    I definately need support, iv Just been changing and noticed left side has definately dropped it must have only happened it wasn’t that low this morning ????
    So hard tryin to find nice things to wesr with mya bra but i want to show the twins off… a little lol

    Susan 51

    Im 4 weeks tomorrow hun but not out till nxt week so we are same stage, know what you mean I fed up with the big bra look

    Stacey 498

    It was just a post op bra out of marks and spensers Hun was plain white or could get the black one looks just like a normal bra xxx

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