Bra Fitting Started by: ridollx

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  • ridollx

    Hey Girls
    So I had my 6 week post op appointment with the nurse today and she said they are healing fine but they are still very hard and then went on to say that she’s happy for me to go bra shopping but she wouldn’t spend a lot on bra’s as they take 3 months to heal properly, when I met with her 5 weeks ago she said I would be able to buy bra’s after 6 weeks. Even if my boobs are hard does that mean that they are going to change in size a lot?? please let me know your thoughts because at the moment I am completely baffled!! xxx

    Rachel -1

    I reckon what she’s tryna say is don’t spend a lot coz chances are they’re gonna change some more and probs doesn’t want u to go out and waste your money on expensive bras coz she will know all girls are so excited to go out and start buying their new undies! Xx


    Oh yer I know she’s saying it so I don’t waste my money but I’m just asking if there still hard are they really going to change that significantly that I will need to buy a completely new bra size? I know they change constantly but if I was to buy a bra would it really not fit me at all after the hardness has gone? It probably sounds like a stupid question but I just wondered what other people had experienced after having a BA and how much their boobs changed in size xx

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