Bra too big???? Started by: Brooke

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  • Brooke -3

    Hi Ladies,
    I had my op 3 days ago, but I feel like my post op bra is too big. It feels like there is too much room there and the gap between my boobs seems too big. Shall I order a smaller bra? Should it be tight? Please help I don’t want them to form weird!!

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Brooke -3.
    Rebekah 174

    I would get a smaller size chick the bra might not be supporting them, when I had mine it was quiet tight I liked it tight as they felt like they were safe if you get me lol ! Xxx

    Brooke -3

    Yeah I feel like it should be tight. I’m gonna get a smaller one even if it doesn’t make a difference will make me feel better lol !
    Thankyou Hun xx

    Demi 17

    I have a brand new yianna bra if you like for sale small just like macom ones it’s a surgery bra highly rated I can do it with postage for £12 they PayPal x

    Brooke -3

    Yes please Demi that would be great xx

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