Bra too small? Started by: Hayley Amin

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    Hi girlies, jus wondering if anyone can help. I had my op with dr Singh 11 days ago and started as a 32a. I had 410cc overs. I bought a 34D sports bra from Asda and I keep having an itchy feeling underneath the bra, when I take the bra off I have lines where the bra has been. It may sound like a stupid question but does that mean I need to get a bigger bra or does everyone get these? Xx


    I had the same size from a 32A and would recommend you get a bigger size xx


    Itchiness and lines from the bra are normal, I had that and mine was a size to fit. Itchiness is just healing 🙂 x


    Thanks girls xx

    Laura 13

    I have the same with the asda bra. I had 325cc from 32A and alwats have linea on my boobs from the asda one which is 34DD

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