Braless at 3 weeks PO? – yes or no? Started by: Lucy

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  • Lucy 1

    Hi girls! So im 3 weeks PO on Sunday and I have a works dinner tonight. As you all know, it is boiling in London and have the cutest strappy top, but only have sports bra’s with massive ugly straps! Does anybody know or can advise if ill be ok to wear no bra for the evening? sounds so silly, but im so happy with my result I don’t want to ruin anything! xx

    Laura 13

    No it wudnt be recommended im afraid.


    It’s advised to wear it all times up until 6 weeks but I’ve heard from quite a few that they’ve gone braless before that for a day or night out a few weeks post op. I did take it off here and there for a few minutes and it was fine but as I haven’t taken it off for a whole evening I can’t advise on that Hun but the ladies I’ve read posts from who did do it, theirs still looked amazing and it was fine but it’s best to take advice from someone who’s tried and tested that. Sorry to not be of much help.


    @Lucy you’ll be fine! I did the same at 3 weeks and mine are still perfect. Had my 6 week check up the other day and they’re absolutely fine. As long as you’re not doing any mad dancing or putting any strain on them then it won’t be an issue. I was wearing no bra for 3 hours a day a few weeks ago because the pain on my nipples was that bad. Just throw your sports bra back on soon as you get home x

    Lucy 1

    Thank you girls for the advice! Its only a work meal and my top is tight with an inner bra support so im sure ill be ok? ill whack my sports bra on as soon as im home, its only dinner for 3 hours so I think ill be ok! x

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