Break up 2 weks pre op Started by: Natalie

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  • Natalie

    So me and my partner have broken up 2 weeks before my op… I’v got feeling i’m going to be even sadder during recovery now! Cant even have a night out because my nurse said no alcohol 2 weeks before the op date! Its not even ended on bad terms so i cant be annoyed at him, just one of those things….


    So sorry to hear about that Natalie, us lasses are here for you throughout your recovery and after that too 🙂 xx


    Aww thanks, its been so nice to be able to come on here with any worries and stuff. Its a good little community lol, just want the next 2 weeks to fly by so i can act like normal. I never realised how much i would miss not drinking pre op! Sound like a right acoholic haha xx


    Two weeks before sounds a bit harsh! I was told 1 week. Maybe check that again, just in case 😉 I’m 10 day post op and I still haven’t had a drink – took it as an opportunity for a month long detox. Sorry to hear about your breakup, hun. His loss! I’ve found the whole thing a great experience and as NikNoo says, we’ll all be here pre and post 🙂


    Well im skint from paying my deposit anyway lol it work out that i get my wages 3 days before my op lol. Yeah i thoought 2 weeks was a bit over the top but i want to be as healthy as possible for the operation i guess, want a speedy recovery! Was gutted to find out i had to get my acrlyic nails rmoved before it too 🙁 x


    I had to take all my hair extensions out! I feel your pain!


    I broke up with my fella just over a month ago now Natalie, I’m just looking at this now as the start of a new stage in my life, and I’m doing it just for me. You’ll be fine hun! I’m sure we’ll all have up days and down days post-op, but at least we’ve got the excitement of amazing new boobs to keep our minds focused 🙂 xx


    Hun sorry to hear this but it’s certainly his lose!!

    Just spend some girlie nights in with your friends. A nice PJ, dvd and pizza night will help.

    Have you got people helping you after the op?

    xjessx 5

    heyy natalie i know how you feel i split up with my boyf before my opp xx


    babe just think about how good your going to feel with your new boobs 🙂 xx

    ayshababy 5

    sorry to hear hun 🙁 just think everything happens for a reason! new boobs, new start!! keep ur chin up x

    it wasnt easy for me either 3 days before my operation i was calling n callin my bf and his fone was off, not like him ATAL usually id get a text every morning! he’d been arrested n got 11monthes inside.. so in 3 days i had to rearrange everything as he was meant to be taking me there & lookin after me etc!! but fuck em! we dont need them lol xx


    oh thanks girls. iv got my mum looking afer me i still live with her thankfully haha she’s always good at cheering me up! i just thining that in one months time i would possible be able to go out with my nw boobs! so so exciting! Oh Aysha thats horrible, true we ar strng indepenant girlies with big boobs haha xx

    mumler 1

    Sending you a huge hug Natalie and the girls n here are amazing, we will look after you
    Kris xxx

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