Breast augmentation with Dr Masshadi – London Started by: Pamela

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  • Pamela 4

    Hey girls , I just had my breast augmentation 27/11/20 with Dr Masshadi and im currently one day post op but I just wanted to tell my story of how everything went .
    I’m 21 , size 12 ,5’3 and was wearing 34 b cup bras .
    I decided to go with 375cc moderate plus round textured implants over the muscle.
    My original plan was to go with 350 max regular round implants but when I was the length face to face I knew it wasn’t for me as I do have a large back and my cleavage area is also wide and I honestly didn’t mind going with the moderate plus implant . As I was going for the natural look i decided that 375cc was perfect but I could of deffo gone higher to 400 as the moderate plus is obviously a flat implant . I was an over night patient and everyone that was looking after me were so amazing and nice , Dr Masshadi was also amazing and very professional with me and he’s work already looks great and it’s only been 1 day .
    Pain wise , I didn’t feel that tight stretchy feeling on the chest as most girls do ,probably due to me having a wide chest and enough tissue but I do have a slight pain on my right boob where the incision is only when I walk .
    I’m not scared of needles or anything so I honestly wasn’t nervous and everyone is different , there is honestly nothing to be scared of and I was so happy to go in for my surgery. One thing I asilos want to mention is the anaesthetic bit which I read a lot that girls are worried about , this was my first time under and the honest truth is that nothing to worry about it’s so quick but it’s very cold and tingly so you will deffo feel it go in and that’s the only thing honestly, you may feel pain but it’s the cold anaesthesia going through the veins which I was surprised of the feeling . I’m going to attach my before and my 1st day post opp pictures but I will keep an update on how they look and feel . Bare I’m Mind I’m covered I’m tape so you can’t see much .

    Pamela 4

    I’m trying to upload some pictures but it’s not working

    Pamela 4

    I’ll keep an update when I get the tape off ( before and after 1 day post opp)

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    Carla 39

    Hi Pamela thanks for posting! Glad you had such a positive experience x x

    Mel -2

    Hi pamela I also had my breast augmentation yesterday with Dr mashhadi had 400cc sub over muscle. I’ve tried to upload pictures but keeps telling me its too large did you upload from your camera roll or take and actual picture? Glad you had a great experience

    Pamela 4

    Hey Mel , I had to re size the pictures from my camera roll on an app because it wasn’t letting me up load either .

    Pamela 4

    3 days post op , the stinging pain in my incision has gone now and I feel a lot better , I’m sleeping fine and can move my arms to a certain point. Only thing that is kinda bothering me is the antibiotics as they make me itch so much and sometimes it disturbs my sleep at night . I was surprised that my boobs are not so high up as everyone says and they don’t feel rock hard either . In the picture you can see my boobs are kinda pointed at the moment and the size looks very natural.

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    Pamela 4

    1 week post op , and got my tape removed. Having a bit of boob greed as being a girl who has never had big boobs and now does I just wished i did try anything higher than 375cc . I was going for a natural look so the highest implant I tried was the 375cc and I didn’t even think to try anything bigger as I actually did like the size . I basically was going for the look of my normal boobs but with a push up bra look and that’s what the 375cc gave me . Obviously I still love my results and it’s early days but like I said from going from nothing to something big I feel like I still want them a bit bigger .

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    Pamela 4

    And a picture with the bra on

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    Pamela 4


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    Caitlan 1

    Hi 🙋🏻‍♀️ did you have them under the muscle, what size were you before and are you quite tall? I had 350cc implants last Friday and mine look a lot bigger I wonder if that’s just because I’m quite short

    Pamela 4

    Hi , they are dual plane so half under and half over . I use to wear 34b cup bars as I do have a large chest area and I’m 5’3/5’4 . Did you get moderate plus done ?

    Pamela 4

    Brown bra – 2 weeks post op
    Grey bra -3 weeks post op
    White bra – 4 weeks post op

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    Pamela 4

    1 months post op pics , 375cc moderate plus textured implants .
    Had the easiest recovery, swelling from the top of my boobs went down on the 3rd week , still pretty swollen in between my chests .
    I’ve heard textured implants take longer to drop but hopefully I see some results on the 6th week as pictures doesn’t do justice for my new boobs .

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    Pamela 4

    Trust the process

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    Danielle 1

    Hey Pamela, have you got an Instagram account following your journey?
    After years of wanting BA I’ve decided to do it this year before I’m 30. I’ve searched high and low for someone with a similar body stats and would really like to follow you and your journey xoxo

    Pamela 4

    Hi Danielle , I don’t have a personal Instagram for my boobs if that’s what you mean . I will have most of my journey put up on here . So have a look out all the time , I’m very active on here answering other people’s questions but also updating my progress as well . Hope you you find what you are looking for and feel free to ask any questions xxx

    Pamela 4

    6 weeks post op , I’ve started using silicone strips and started to sleep on the side but not for to long . Don’t feel any pain and still have a lot of time for them to drop and fluff as I did get textured implants .I will post some pics of me in tops .

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    Nicola 9

    Hi Pamela,

    Thanks for posting. I am getting textured, Mod+ over the muscles done in feb (cc to be decided). I am a size 12-14 and it has been impossible to find people of similar stats and especially of anyone with Mod+. Yours look incredible. I have sent you a friend request. x

    Pamela 4

    Hey Nicola , I would say make sure you try as much as you can as the highest I tried was 375cc and I wished I tried something higher , I still love my results and I will just have to wait until they actually drop and fluff .

    Pamela 4

    6 weeks in different types of tops , you can see how each top gives me a different result , from sports bra to a body suit to a swim top .

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    Pamela 4

    Side view wearing a swim top suit

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    Pamela 4

    8 weeks post op update , starting using silicone strips and will do an update when I hit 1 month of using them .

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    Pamela 4

    Sitting down position.

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    Pamela 4

    Scar update , I’m a Ecuadorean/Latina/Hispanic person so I’m fairly olive skinned and was told that my scarring would be kinda dark but just to keep them hydrated. I’ve been using silicone strips for a month and that really helped with the texture of my scars but didn’t really see a change of colour, I’m now using bio oil and vitamin e oil on my scars ( only been a week) and I’ve seen a change already, they are small changes but deffo getting there . I’ll post another update in a month of only using the oils on my scar as I’ve just started it .

    Pamela 4

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    Pamela 4

    Pictures won’t upload , hope this works

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