Breast crease altered?? Started by: D.hayes

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  • D.hayes 8

    I’m due to have my op in 3 weeks and have been told my crease underneath my breast needs to be lowered? Has anyone else had this or have any photos post op? Xx


    Hiya! Yep the bottom of mine has effectively been lowered, only had mine done 5 days ago so I still have dressings on. I’ve friend requested you, once you’ve accepted you can take a look at my pics on my profile. You can’t see the new crease as such due to the dressings but you can still make out the bottom of my boob is now lower! Hope that’s a bit helpful xx


    I’ve had my op today and I’ve had mine lowered too xx

    D.hayes 8

    Thank you guys, @elysiamf I will have a look it’s just hard to picture what they will look like as the surgeon kind of explained it will be like an indent/slope until the implant drops and evens it out? Xx

    Zo 6

    Hi girls, found it so difficult finding any information

    I was told by transform surgeon I had mildly tubular breasts … Broke my heart when he said I would never have the boobs I want … He was boaderlline negative about my outcome…

    Have since been to mya and mr traynor has said improvement with lowered crease and implants but super nervous due to first consultation

    Have apt with ,,,mr leiw at aurora next week but would love some more info pictures so I have more of an idea what to expect…..

    Please please please feel free to send me any pics or accept requests, so hard to find any information on this issue….

    Boobies16 3

    One of mine were lowered slightly I’m 6 weeks PO now and have photos on my page xx

    D.hayes 8

    I’m 3 weeks post op now and you literally can’t tell it’s been moved at all! Surgeon warned me I may have a small indent but once I came out of surgery he said the implant pretty much pushed it out straight away 🙂 Xx

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