Breast Enlargement Started by: BillieC

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  • BillieC

    Hi girls.
    I’m a week after post op and I still have strapping on which gets removed today! 🙂
    I’m coping really well now but I feel asif I can feel that my left boob feels larger than my right
    I’ve suffered with bad pains in my left boob since too, more so than the other one. Any one else had this?? Xx


    Hi Hun im 9 days post op .i haven’t really noticed a different size but defo been getting sharp pains in my left boob only just really eased today .ive got another post op apointment Tomoz as my left scar hadn’t fully healed last time I went xxx


    Hi Billie, congrats on your new additions!!

    As each breast is a sepearate body part it’s best to treat them as separate surgeries, they will heal/drop/fluff at totally different rates and it’s completly normal! Also most if not all women have one breast larger than the other, sometimes it’s so slight you can tell and it’s also harder to detect in smaller breasts, we need to treat our boobs as sisters not twins 😉 So they should look alike but not the exact same.

    Bet you can’t wait to get out of that strapping!


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