Breast Enlargement After Pregnancy Started by: Jodie

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  • Jodie 3

    Hi girls, has anyone had breast enlargement straight after having a baby? My little girl is 7 weeks and ive heard you have to be 6 months post pregnancy before you can have them. Is this right or is it less time? My boobs never changed from a 32a bring both my pregnancies so I’m dying to get them done! X


    Yeah you do have to wait until at least 6 months after. Mine never changed with my pregnancy either, my little boy will be 8 months when I get mine in a couple of weeks x


    I’m having mine today – my baby is exactly 4 months today x


    I was told you have to wait until 6 months after having a baby I ended up waiting a year in the end lol but I totally see why you don’t want to wait maybe just ask your PC if you do decide to go ahead with it x

    Kirsty 4

    I asked about this coz my little girl is 4 month on Sunday and they say 3 month after b/feeding if u did to give your boobs time to settle down….your hormones are still all over the place so your boobs do keep changing but you know yourself when they are back to normal and if they’re not gonna change again. I know mine as ey are now is how they are going to stay til I get my BA!xx

    Jodie 3

    Thanks girls. I’m hoping to have them in the next few months if the surgeon will do it for me. They literally never changed at all and I never breast fed so my milk dried up ages ago. Hopefully they will do it at about 4/5 months. When you decide you want them the last thing you want to hear is you have to wait 6 months! Xx

    Kirsty 4

    Totally know how you feel, I hate waiting at the best of times, now I’ve definitely decided, I want them now !! Haha! You should be fine then if you never b/fed…I only did for 2 weeks and I’m all ok…I’ll b with mr Traynor! Xx

    Jodie 3

    Are you booked to have yours done then? Looking at booking with Mr kazzazi think it is lol. Plus I go on holiday in September and really want them done and healed by then! X

    Kirsty 4

    Not yet…had my consultation start of march and wanted to book for start April but dithered on that long they only have end may/June now but due to an illness in the family that won’t b a good time so I’m thinking July as it’s school hols so my mam will be off to help me with my girls! And we usually yo away in sept so hoping I’ll b all ready for then! Xx

    Jodie 3

    Awh that’s typical! Yeah Deffinately do it when help is on hand! Be nice to have new boobies for your jollies 🙂 xx

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