Breast enlargement and holiday! Started by: Natalie

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  • Natalie

    Hi all,

    I am hoping to have a breast enlargement end of September/October time but am going on a long haul flight to Australia mid December, I will be away four 4 weeks. I am worried I may be rushing it and will affect my recovery by having them done before I go. I will be about 11 weeks in to my recovery when I fly. Is this enough time? I don’t want to ruin my holiday or recovery. But would love to have the new me before I go!

    Can I have anyone’s thoughts on this?


    Speak to your surgeon but with that gap I think you will be fine Hun good luck xx

    Becky 1

    Hey hun I’m cabin crew and my pc told me 6 weeks before a long haul flight. So 11 weeks should be fine!! I’m having to take 6 weeks off work argh X


    Thank you both! My pc thinks 11 weeks is fine, but I think I am just a natural worrier! Worried something will go wrong when I am out there. In finding it so hard to make the decision. Don’t want to have to wait till next year.

    Oh my Becky, 6 weeks! At least you will have plenty of time to recover! If you are ok to go back after 6 weeks to being cabin crew, 11 weeks for me must be ok!

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