Breast Enlargement before Kids? Started by: Elizabeth

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    Hello all! I’m 25 years old and looking at getting breast enlargement but I am torn as to whether I should wait until after children or go for it now and enjoy it while I’m young. I’m hoping to have a family when I’m around 30-33 years old so there is still a lot of time but it is a pricey procedure and I am aware that it may or may not change my boobs but there is a chance that I will need another surgery after children. Would really appreciate any experiences from moms that have gone through this! 🙂

    Bee 42

    I was wondering the same. I had my surgery when I was 25, before children. Still don’t have children but I’m so glad I didn’t wait around because I had more years to enjoy my boobs, even if they do change after you have a family – you will never get this time back. Even if you did need another surgery after children, it wouldn’t be for a good few years. I know of people who had surgery before children and after children they still look ok! I know I’m not a mom but just wanted to let you know that I definitely want a family but still am happy to have had my implants pre family!!


    I had my first implants done in 2014 when I was 22. I’m now 33, with 2 kids (one is 4, the other is 1) and I’m booked in for a replacement implants on 9th Dec as sadly my right implant has ruptured. But they still look great despite the 2 kids & a recent rupture… So defo not a waste of money, I’ve loveeeeedddd mine.

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