Breast enlargement done on 07th Feb 2025 my experience Started by: Natalie

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  • Natalie

    Just wanted to let anyone know what my experience was like with my BA with Mya. I think all the way through they have been so fab from start to finish. I had a phone consultation first with a patient coordinator Ashleigh- she was with me every step of the way before my surgery with any questions about the orocedure. I then had my consultation with Mr Mileto and he was so lovely, listened to what I wanted and gave his opinion. I decided to go for 365cc memory gel x high profile because I explained I like the round fake look. I am quite petite only 5’4 and weight 51KG so anything bigger wouldn’t have suited. Then surgery day was 7th Feb and I’m now 4 days PO – surgery went well I was really groggy and I don’t do too great under general but they looked after me reassured me and I felt so safe. The anaesthesitist was so lovely and kind. I can’t rate Mya and Mr Mileto enough- definitely the best choice of surgeon by far and a lovely man! Thanks Mya and Mr Mileto!! 🙂

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    Amy 2

    Hi, i also had my op on 7th Feb with Mr Mileto, I agree I felt very looked after and when I felt a little unwell after coming round from the GA the team were very reassuring and looked after me. How are your new breasts feeling? I’m able to move a bit more but pain when I stand up. I have my post op appt on 17th so will be nice to have piece of mind.


    Hi Amy, glad you also got looked after – they are great. I’m so happy I went with Dr. Mileto, tbh my recovery has been very up and down – days where I’m laid in bed it doesn’t hurt or no discomfort, but if I get up and do a few things I think I can overdo it a bit! Do you feel like when you get up gravity feels like they are being pulled off your chest? I’ve noticed now being day 5 that the discomfort isn’t as bad and I’m not taking any pain meds due to the fact I’ve discovered that codeine makes me itch all over my body: I’ve also had a bit of a hard time going to the toilet but laxitives sorted it! How are you feeling now lovely? My chest feels tight today (day 5) but no pain and I’ve got my wound check up on Friday 🙂

    Amy 2

    I’ve also been up and down this last week. I have a bit of discomfort when standing and I feel my posture is completely off which is causing my back to ache – also the sleeping position I struggle with – I’ve been having to sleep on a recliner chair but my lower back is really aching now. I also experience the gravity thing, you’ve described it perfectly! I’m going for my check up on Monday, i feel I just need reassurance all is ok and I’m healing well. I’m taking the codeine only when needed – like you i feel capable one minute and then the next I’m exhausted and I’ve clearly over done it. And the laxitives are a god send!!! Keep me updated with how your check up goes 😊

    Lucy Rosa 3

    Hello ladies, how are you getting on? I had my surgery 18th Feb, so i’m now 1 week post op. I had 300cc dual plane, they are looking quite firm and coney shaped at the moment! Just a waiting game for them to drop!

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