Breast enlargement unders Started by: Kelly

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  • Kelly 6

    Hiya all
    I had unders done yesterday and in so much pain today when does the pain start to improve? Please x

    Mel 15

    Hi Kelly, I had unders and I’m 15 days post op. I noticed it stopped feeling painful at about day 10 and I felt I could use my arms a bit more then. I’m still really tender but it’s uncomfortable now rather than painful. Everyone is different and some people seem to get a better deal out of it than others but I think it’s quite a long process but sure it will be worth it. ☺ Hope you’re okay. Just focus on all the new bras you can buy once your new additions have calmed down, it helps! ? x

    Abbie 43

    Hi Kelly, Awwww chicken it hard in the first few days. I had unders too and although some girls on here seemed to sail through I really struggled. Stay on top of your meds, get some ice packs as they help with the swelling, maybe a heat pack for your back if it gets sore from sleeping propped up and just chill out for the next few days. You are going to have lots of strange pains and sensations but its all completely normal and it will get better I promise. I went back to work by day 8/9 and felt loads better and by day 10 had no pain.
    I think the important thing is to not stress out and worry as its all completely normal.
    Try move about a bit, maybe circle your shoulders as I found the pain to be worse when I sat still for too long. Catch up on your favourite box set and shop on line for all those new bras and bikinis you can now buy 🙂
    This time next week you will feel totally different xx

    Katie 8

    Hi. Had 400 unders on Wednesday. Felt ok after being discharged on Wednesday but when i woke up Thursday morning felt like I had been hit by a train. Stayed on top of mess all day and actually had a good night sleep last night and this morning have full use of my arms back. Not in pain anymore just uncomfortable. It will get easier I’m sure…get excited for shopping!

    Kelly 6

    Thank you all I didn’t realise I would be in this much pain and planing to go back to work Monday but now I’m worried I’m not going to be able to
    This is only my day 2 so hopefully I will start to feel better tomorrow x

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