I’m new to this forum, I’ve wanted to have a breast enlargement for some years now. (Ever since I was little I wanted big boobs😂)
My nearest clinic is Chelmsford. Does anyone have any experiences there?
I am quite flat chested (I’m actually am SO self conscious about my boobs) just want a fuller more ‘boobie’ look!
Could anyone give me a rough idea of any costs? Any help would be so appreciated!
Doing some research on MYA but need some more help!
Welcome to the forum 😊
I didn’t go with Mya I had my op done nearly 3 weeks ago
heard some good things about Mya and also bad things aswell do your research first also I think it’s not allowed on Mya to discuss prices 😬
Hi I didn’t go with mya but I was also flat even after having 3 babies . I had 340cc parshals and now a d cup dd in some cases depending where I get my bras from . I think I’d have just been happy with a nice c cup Id have been happy . I just got to the point where I just wanted something there ! Didn’t feel like a woman at all ! Sorry no info on Chelmsford tho , where I went is based in Yorkshire xx
Oh wow! Yes yes I know exactly what you mean! That’s how I feel and that’s why I’ve wanted a boob job for so long!
That’s okay, thank you though!
Hope you feel amazing now!! Xx
Pink Princess – that’s alright no worries! Thank you though Xx