Breast implant concerns Started by: Ali

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  • Ali 6

    I had my implants in late 2017. After around 6 months I started to get severe sore throats and fatigue the fatigue has steadily got worse to the point I’ve been to see an endocrinologist and before the gynaecologist who suspected premature menopause. Which was not correct. Basically I’ve been around in circles tying to find out why I feel this way. Then I was watching the news a few weeks ago I heard about breast implant illness. I’m really worried as I have allergen natrelle implants.
    Has anyone else felt this way? I’m going for an ultrasound this week and will decide based on the result what to do.
    My main concern is if there is an issue I have to remove them but I wanted them and I don’t want to go back to how I was before. It’s not vanity it’s just my self esteem and they made me feel more feminine and my clothes fit better etc.
    I’d be really interested to hear if anyone has been through this and what you’ve done. Thank you x

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by myamoderator 138.
    Lara 30

    Hi Ali, I have heard about implant illness, more so on US blogs than UK. I remember when I asked about implants on a different site before my surgery and someone mentioned it and had theirs removed but the symptoms persisted. There are many causes of general fatigue/sore throat symptoms as well like many of the viral illnesses, autoimmune etc., so it may well be due to something else. There’s no scientific link between implants and illness and no diagnostic test for it, so the ultrasound will mainly be looking for problems with the implants themselves, like lumps, cancer, a silent rupture/ leak etc. in which case they would likely be need removal. But if the US scan shows nothing, then they will likely leave it to you to decide.
    I don’t know if Allergan natrelle implants have anything to do with it unfortunately, but mentor seem to be more widely used now.

    Monica 25

    I’ve seen on a documentary that although breast implant illness has not been scientifically proven, it can cause these symptoms especially
    From Allergan (and Nagor) implants due to how textured they are. France has pulled this and I think the UK will too, if you look up the implant you will see recent news about it. I would go get it checked ASAP. Hope you find an answer 🙁 xx

    Ali 6

    Thanks both for your replies. Getting my ultrasound this week so will see what happens. Hoping it’s ok and not the implants causing it as it’s a lot of surgery to go through. I read a lot and the symptoms are general and can be related to other things like auto immune disorders. Let’s see. My only big concern is the actual implant used having been recalled late last year 🙁

    Ali 6

    I had my ultrasound and the implants are absolutely fine ?so happy. I wasn’t ready to part with them. L

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