Breast implants Started by: Chloe Girvan

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    Hopefully getting breast implants soon. I’ve just had my third baby and my boobs have literally shrunk to nothing. I’m hoping to achieve the firm round full look. I’m just on the fence whether under or over the muscle is best. I don’t want them to look stuck on so I’m thinking under the muscle will be better?


    Hi Chloe, I am also getting breast implants soon also , currently researching, this is one of my main concerns also looking stuck on. With the research I have done, I am probably going under muscle as most of what I have read suggests a more natural look under the muscle. I am not saying this is the case, just what have read myself.

    Claire 1

    Hi both, if you want a more natural look you will probably want dual plane, which is half under the muscle half not. This allows a more natural teardrop shape x


    Hiya girls, I had a breast enlargement 7 years ago now and opted for under the muscle. I would recommend this if you change weight often but the only downside is some sensitivity. For example, I can weight train but certain movements make me feel a bit off as I can feel my implants. The upside is they are more in tune with your body I feel if you’re like me and go up and down in weight xoxo


    Thank you girls for the advice, I think dual plane sounds the right direction for me. Another question/concern that I have, going under the muscle or dual plane make the implant look smaller? I am looking for a natural look but dont want to go too small. I am a 36AA and looking to be a full C.

    Claire 1

    Dual plan you only lose 5% of the size of the implant. I got 300cc/275cc as I had slightly diff size breasts and I’ve gone from a 32aa/small b to a large C/small D! I’m only 3 weeks post op today, so they have a lot way to go before they’re fully settled, but I’ll try post a pic. The side with the bigger implant is defo taking a while to drop, still a bit square 🤣 xx

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 4 weeks ago by Claire 1.
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    Thank you, with what have read, the average seems to between 300 – 325 cc for AA Cup to C.
    They look really good, cant wait until I get mine done as I am flat as pancake. It has something always wanted from teen years, as was always envious of the other girls with their curves and was called skateboard by the boys which didn’t help my confidence over the years.
    Cant wait to ditch the super padded bras.

    How have you found the recovery and pain? This is also one of my concerns?

    Thanks Kimberly x

    Claire 1

    Hi Kimberly, the recovery for dual plane is worse than overs/unders I believe. I have a very high pain threshold and found the first 3 days agony. However came off of the cocodamol after day 3 as it was playing havoc with my stomach. I’d say after 1 week the pain is fine, just small twinges, a LOT of tightness and very sensitive nipples! Now I’m 3 weeks on the tightness has gone and I’m not in any pain. Xx


    Thank you, that helps, the end result will be worth it tho. Cant wait to have curves and ditch the padded bras.


    Hi Claire, sorry to ask more questions, I am the sort of person that likes to mentally prepare in advance of things and just about to book a consultation with MYA. I was wandering first of all regarding sizing, do you get plenty of time to try on the sizers and can you bring someone along which would be my good friend Beverly, just for another womans persepective. Also do you have to decide size that day, or can you go away with photos and think about some more?. Finally on surgery day, do you go braless or wear the macom bra and when you wake up from surgery is it strapping or do you wake up with the bra fitted. I think this is the last information that I need to prepare myself going forward. Thanx Kimberly xx

    Claire 1

    No problem at all! You can bring a friend to your consults, I did. Before your consult you should find some inspo pics to show your doctor, and explain what you’re wanting. He’ll suggest 3 different sizes for you to try on there and then. You don’t have decide there and then, I actually booked another consult and went back to try them on again with the doctor and still couldnt decide! So he ordered all the sizes for me so I could confirm on the day of my surgery.

    Look at the rice bag test, I did that at home and that was a much more accurate guess at what each size would look like. I made my decision based on doing that and trying on clothes at home.

    After surgery you wake up with the Macom bra on, they put it on for you. And bandages where the incisions are.



    Thank you for the information it is really helpful.
    I have been experimenting with rice sizers at home tonight under different clothes, have an idea of size aiming for and cant wait to take.the next step, it was nice seeing boobs to be in mirror as am really flat chested and never have had curves. Thanks Kimberly xx


    Hi sorry to jump on I know this hasnt been active in a little while. However which ones did you ladies go for in the end just out of curiosity please? And also Claire has your other boob now dropped that you showed photo of? How did you find the recovery with the dual plane please? I have my surgery booked for November feels so long overdue I’m finally so excited after 3 kids and the tiny boobs I have running away from each other on the beach when I’m sunbathing 😅😂😂 Would love to hear from you ladies if you are still on here as you literally didn’t have your surgery so long ago now and I’m just curious how your dual plane and the ladies who had under muscle have turned out? Thanks so much for any info xx

    Claire 1

    Hiya! My one breast is still taking a while to drop!! I think it’s improved slightly but it’s definitely not there yet. I am only 6 weeks today though so I’m not too worried yet, it probably needs a little more time. It’s my right side which had the slightly bigger implant and I’m also right handed and gym a lot, so I think the muscle is probably stronger that side causing it to take a while to loosen up. I should be booking my check up with the surgeon soon, so will mention it to him then. Honestly I’m so happy though even though it hasn’t dropped fully yet, you honestly wouldn’t notice at first glance. Also I’m in absolutely no pain anymore and back at the gym, I did my first upper body today and I honestly feel back to normal 😊 xxx

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