Breast implants – breast cancer Started by: naomigriffiths

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    Hi ,
    Before having my implants I was a size 34a and I’m 5ft 3 and weigh 9st 6lb … I wanted my breasts to look natural … I had my surgery with Dr Chantrasak in 2011 . I was only 21 having my implants and the only research I did at the time was researching my surgeon & Mya itself ..
    However I’ve recently heard on the news that they have discovered that having your implants placed Over your muscle increases the chances of breast cancer being missed by 26% …. This really worries me .. I did not choose to have my implants over the muscle& now after researching I don’t understand why they were placed there as they recommend having implants over the muscle if you have “emptiness” in your boobs through age or feeding & if u like the round fake look …
    I do love my boobs , however I feel extremely stressed out about the recent research results that have been released . I hope everyone makes sure they do a lot of research before they have implants … Below is a link that has a bit of information from the research. There is lots more online .



    lindsey 123

    what if you have implants under muscle? xx


    Under the muscle doesn’t effect it , it’s just over the muscle .. Really wish I knew this before my op or at least been told about it and given the option to decide ..

    Laura 29

    I was told this before my op I’m having partials x


    I werent told anything about the differences between overs & unders . I really wish about this as I would never of agreed to having overs if I’d known ..
    What are partials ? X

    Laura 29

    Partials are like in between I think not overs and not unders x


    Hello everyone, I read your comments and I can say that implants really often cause breast cancer. I can say that to be on the safe side and prevent cancer cells from defrosting, it is best to take powdered glucose. I have long wondered where i can buy 2dg, and came across their website where, on the recommendation of a doctor, I purchased this drug.

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