breast lift Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    After I have this baby and finish breastfeeding, I would like to get a breast lift. This is my third and last child. I’d like to know if getting a lift helps the look of stretch marks on breasts. I’m a 40 D when not pregnant. Thanks


    Your stretch marks certainly won’t vanish having a lift, unfortunately it’s not miracle surgery. Also having a lift without implants will make your boobs smaller, as they take away tissue to give you back that umph factor. If your happy with your size now, just not the shape, I’d suggest having a lift and implants.
    Hope this helps xx


    Yes it does as the skin is stretched right round. If they only remove skin this is an uplift but if they remove any tissue or fat it is a reduction. I have just had skin and glands removed, no fat or tissue. I am now 4 days post op and although i am still bandaged i cannot see any stretchmarks and i did have a lot which is why they were so low. Until they actually open you up they cannot really tell what needs to be removed, there was a lot of confusion as to whether i would be having an uplift or reduction.
    I will put pics up soon so feel free to add me if you would like to see scarring etc

    Good luck, let me know what you decide.


    charbabe 2

    i think it depends what your stretch marks are like, i have small wrinkly ones on my boobs but when i push my boobs up they disapear so when i get my ba in 5 days they should be gone, hope this helps


    I had a lift and implants 4 weeks ago. My stretch marks have been stretched out and now you cant see them! Its the best thing I ever did! Having a lift and implants has changed my life and I’d recommend it to anyone!

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