Breast reduction after giving birth Started by: Lilia Georgia

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    hi everyone,
    I have given birth to 2 children and have no intention of having more. After 2 births, my breasts sagged and were in pretty bad shape. I want to ask if I should get it reduced and if so which doctor should I go to. I live in NY, US.
    Thanks in advance

    Vish 1


    I haven’t had kids but I had my reduction on 14th October and it was the best decision I have ever made for myself. I went from a 32JJ to a D cup, I had a very saggy and massive chest for my short petite body so I would recommend

    Aliyah 1

    I did mine after my second baby by far the best decision I made. I would say lose any extra weight you intend not to carry in future as any weight loss will encourage sagging

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