Breast reduction & lift – Dr Mahdi – October Started by: Bethany

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  • Bethany

    Hey girls, can anyone please share their experiences with Dr Mahdi? I am in for a breast reduction and uplift in October this year. I’m really excited, I’d just like to hear some stories and possibly photos if comfortable xx

    Taylor -1

    Hi I just had mine done by dr mahdi on Monday! The whole Process went well in the hospital it just all went so fast but being honest the first 24 hours of recovery was INTENSE it is very painful and I was sick a lot after waking back up, I’m now on day 3 and feel sooo much better already! Just make sure you have someone at home for you the first couple of days and it’s hard to do anything your self and you just need to rest I would recommend getting a pregnancy V shaped pillow and a 45 degree angle pillow as this has helped me a lot to stay upright on my back through the night and drink lots and lots of water! I’m struggling with not being able to have a shower the most haha x

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