Breast replacement Started by: Julie

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  • Julie 1

    I currently have 400cc in but had them done 10 years ago. I want them filling back up again and to go up at least a cup size, as I e had 2 children since. DR recommend to put 500cc in. Will there be much of a difference? as reading forum it’s looks like I need to go to 550cc to get results I want.
    Any one gone from 400cc – 500cc?


    Did you have over or under muscle? And what size are you now? I’m looking into getting 420cc over muscle but want children in future and for them to last me a good while lol! Do you also have any pics xx

    Julie 1

    I had them done under and I am 400cc.
    They are a good size just lost volume from having children and them being 10years old

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