Breast uplift at 21, is it worth it? Started by: Sarah

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  • Sarah 4

    I had my first surgeon consultation with MYA yesterday were Dr. Mahdi told me if I did want surgery, because my breasts are heavy I would need an uplift – however, uplift with implants could possibly lead to sagging and at my age of 21 the scars wont be worth it. He also told me that 1 in 10 scars go wrong

    He was lovely and if I did want to go ahead with the surgery I would of loved to have Dr Mahdi however he signed me off as : advised not to have surgery – he was pretty adamant he would not do surgery on me

    I am now rethinking the whole thing, he is right I am only 21 and I do want kids in the future and is it worth spending 8000 now for me to have to possibly respend the same amount or more in 3/4 years time ?

    I am honestly gutted I hate my boobs I wont take my bra off infront of my partner and haven’t done with exes what do you think I should do?

    Emma S 46

    Hi Sarah
    I’m so sorry that you didn’t get the response you were looking for but I know girls that were disappointed also booked a consultation with another surgeon to get a 2nd opinion.
    Maybe you should consider this?
    I had an uplift 7 weeks ago and I love my boobs now … I would see another surgeon if it was me xxx

    Emma 3

    I had my first surgery at your age and again 2 years later due to the complications from the first surgery (not with mya) I am booked in on Monday with Mr mahdi for an uplift and implants. I understand everyone’s journey is different and the reasons too. If I am being honest and if I knew back then what I know now with the risks etc I would have never had them done. I wish you the best in what you decide to do.

    Sarah 4

    Thanks for your comment Emma S, I’m booked in on Thursday for a consultation with Dr Traynor My main reason I want a BA is because I am unhappy with my Areola and want them smaller – I know this can be included in an uplift I’m just really scared about the scarring going wrong and my Areola stretching back out, do you know anyone who has had this issue?

    Sarah 4

    Emma do you mind me asking what complications? I really don’t want to regret going through with this, I’m grateful for any help!!

    Heidi 17

    Hi lovely, sorry you didn’t get the results you were hoping for I’m 21 and having an uplift and implants but for a slight case of tubular breasts so it might not be the same reasons. I’m having Dr Netri on the 14th of December who’s with mya and first trust. Maybe get a second opinion as my first consultation elsewhere suggested no uplift but then Dr Netri explained why in my case an uplift would be needed. I know it sounds hard to realise yourself but your boobs look great to me but do what makes you happy!

    Emma S 46

    I hope your consultation goes well,
    No I haven’t heard of the areola stretching back out.

    Sarah 4

    Heidi my Sister went with Dr Netri with another provider in August for a breast enlargement and Areola reduction, she is due to see him again later this month for her 12 week post op appointment – her breasts were also slightly tubular, hope you get the results you want! Also thank you I wish I could just be happy with them
    Do you mind me asking how much you are paying Dr Netri for an uplift? My sister payed 5800
    Thanks Emma that puts my mind at ease that you are post op and not had that complication xx

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Sarah 4. Reason: Wanted to add more info on my sister augmentation
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by myamoderator 138. Reason: Comment contained details breaking MYA's community guidelines
    Emma 3

    The surgeon made the pocket too large in my left boob which resulted in the implant coming out and flipping 3 times in a year. Eventually after quite a battle they re did my boobs free of charge 2 years later and put in bigger implants (405cc to 460cc) now after 2 more kiddies the implant in my left boob has flipped again so I thought it best to have them done again now as it’s causing me discomfort. I’ll try and add some pics. I’m currently on my way to Preston for op eekkk. Xx

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    Sarah 4

    arghh Emma that sounds painful! it sounds like they didn’t fix the problem just put bigger implants in to fill the hole, Glad you are getting them done again so your not in any discomfort and hopefully 3rd time lucky, good luck ! xx

    Heidi 17

    Oh hell im paying about ££££ for mine! She got lucky just really wanted to go with MYA and maybe that’s why it’s more expensive cause of the ‘brand’ and stigma around MYA! Thankyou just weeks away now! X

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by myamoderator 138.
    Emma 3

    Thanks, I’m now 10 days post op and looking better I think ?? x

    Yasmin 4

    Hi Sarah, I’ve just seen your original post.

    I had my uplift with implants in August at 20 and I definitely think it was worth it. It sounds like you’re in exactly the same situation as I was, I didn’t show my boyfriend my boobs until a few weeks before my op.

    In my opinion, the scars are 100% worth it in comparison to how horrible I felt about my boobs before the op. I’m sorry Mr Mahdi signed you off, what reason exactly did he give you? I hope you find the surgeon you want if you decide to go through with surgery! 🙂 Keep us updated x

    Sarah 4

    @ yasmindaniella he said they didn’t need doing as they’re a larger size DD that if I did want implants I’d need a combined uplift to hold the implants and prevent sagging, I also seen Dr Traynor he said the same that people come in to have breasts like mine so won’t touch them, so unfortunately I’ve decided against surgery!!


    Hi Sarah, I’m 26 and 3weeks PO after a lift and implants but I’ve had 2 babies and literally just had skin. My boobs went from a perky dd to a loose empty/saggy b/c from the pregnancy and weightloss.. I’d definitely wait if I was you. It is such a huge life changing amount of money to only have to more than likely respend.

    Whatever you go with I hopentour happy though xx

    Sarah 4

    Hi Charlotte, thanks for taking time to reply. I think it is best to wait until I’ve had children before I choose to have an uplift etc, I’m 22 now and I might have children in the near future and it’s a lot of money to spend twice! I’ve never had any complaints about my boobs, I’ve actually had compliments but I just have it in my head that my areola are too big, I’ve added a picture I’m not sure if it will upload I’m quite tall so they do sit lower on my chest due to that. I’m thinking I’m still going to have an areola reduction on its own

    Sarah 4

    I also think my nipples sit quite low

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    Hey Sarah, I’m in the same boat as you – I’m 22 and not a fan of my boobs. The only thing that did make me think twice about getting an uplift and implants was that the surgeon said I wouldn’t be able to breast feed when I do have kids so that’s something to think about. But I have decided to go ahead with it as I just want to be confident with my body now while I’m young! It is a tough decision to make


    I’m 26 and had a donut lift which reduced areola size and what a godsend… should have done it when I was 18. maybe go for that?


    my partner had never seen me braless… changed all that now ! 😀

    Sarah 4

    Still debating this 2 years later, so a donut lift actually sounds perfect. What size bra were you before you had it done?

    Sarah 4

    Still debating this 2 years later, so a donut lift actually sounds perfect. What size bra were you before you had it done?

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