Breast uplift stories? Started by: Lyndsaylee

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    Having breast uplift any advice on if i should get implants? I also need a nipple reduction i am currently a C cup however a saggy one at that. All stories welcome…..

    kathryn 1

    hi, i’m 2 weeks post op tomorra from an uplift, feel free to add me and look at my pictures, whether u get implants depends on how empty the top of ur boobs are, with an uplift ur surgeon can normally u upper fullness from the uplift technique, its always best to avoid implants as ur puttin a foreign object in ur body n that has its own risks, but u want to be happy with thr results, an uplift usually makes you end up a size smaller so u’d proberly be a B cup post op, if thats too small for ur liking then implants is properly the way to go, ur surgeon will say whether u need them to get the upper fullness or not, if u don’t need them n ur on the sideline, remember an implant will add weight so could cause ur boobs to sag quicker than without them, i didn’t get implants, i was a 34e to begin with so didn’t need them, i have upper fullness tho, thanks to my surgeon as i didn’t have it before, feel free to look at my pictures, just make sure the decision is urs, i found at some consultations that some surgeons were tryin to pressure me into gettin implants when i didn’t want or need them, the decision is urs, no one elses x


    Hi Kathryn, thanks for your reply i am really stuck on the fence but as you say the surgeon will know whats best for my shape but im just glad im aware that they may tend to pressure me. Its taken me years to finally make the decision I am extremely excited. How do i view your pics hun i have just accepted your request. Xxx


    Hi welcome to add me Hun, had uplift over four weeks ago from 32b 295 unders high profile and aereolas resized… I’m in a 36d sports bra still will get measured in two weeks :). They are still dropping and fluffing…


    Wow chelle, just looked at your pics, they are amazing! Where did you have your surgery and what surgeon did you have? They are so clever! Xx

    kathryn 1

    hi lyndsay, sorry i was havin a few problems with my pictures but they’re sorted now so u should be able to see them now by goin into my album, not all the surgeons pressured me but some did and its a big decision, u want to make sure its one u’ll be happy with x


    Hi, thanks, getting there had few healing hurdles …. Surgery was with with dr. Mashadi, transform, riverside. X


    Kathryn you must be over the moon. What surgeon did you have? I would hve the implants if needed however my main aim is the shape to be as perfect and natural as possible where as the size is not so much a big deal. Its just the scarring that scares me. Xxx


    I had a uplift with implants just over a fortnight ago wth mr mounir, I was petrified of the major op and the scars but everything seems to be healing really well, I have pics up and I’m gonna put some of the incisions on later x


    I had 390cc round moderate profile overs (polyurethane) with an uplift with Spire 3 1/2 months ago. Add me if you want to see pics as I have loads on here detailing my journey. I am very happy with my results but I do require a small revision surgery which I am having done on March 27th to remove what is labelled as ‘dog ears’ which is just a bit of redundant skin which needs removing but its only a small procedure and I am very very happy with my results and the scarring. x

    kathryn 1

    hi lyndsay, i had dr alleruzzo with the hospital group, am so pleased, n as long as ye look after the wounds properly n eat right ur scars will proberly be as thin as a hair, theres a topic on here about tips for scars, give that a read, i put tips on there today and i just can’t be bother writin it all agen haha, scars will fade over time aswell remember x

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