Breast Uplift Which Surgeon Started by: missamyshadbolt

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    Hello im getting a breast uplift with implants with MYA in london but have no idea which surgeon to go with? want someone who does really neat scars and would do the procedure together as ive herd some only do it separately? x


    Dr C he’s the best!


    Defo Mr C, he’s fab!


    I’m booked in with mr c for uplift and ba next Tuesday :) this is good to see!!! X


    I’m booked in with him for 18 July, he is supposed to be really precise though I have been told he doesn’t like consulting so not to let that put you off xxx


    i think DR C is your more traditional surgeon a man that takes pride in his work and at times can appear to be shy and quite but to be honest with you i liked him. I don’t know much about him not liking consultations but i can say his stitches are very neat and his work is amazing!


    thank you think im going to go with him as everyone says hes brilliant :) cant wait xx


    Sindy I’ve sent you a friend request, I’d love to see his scar work. Can’t wait till Tuesday for mr c to work his magic!!!! He is very quiet but listens to what you want and will give his honest opinion on what is possible! Lovely man :) x


    i don’t have any pics up as my boobs still have dressings on uplift is different from the ba as the dressing stay on for longer depending on the healing process however i will be uploading pics soon :)


    How are you recovering from it? Just wondering how much pain/ how little I’ll be able to do after op xx


    i’m not going to lie there is a lot of pain but i guess i have a good pain threshold as i went to work a week after the ba and uplift ( i wouldn’t recommend that you do that but hey everyones different).

    After the op my chest felt like i had a ton of bricks on it, i’ve been taking ibuprofen and paracetomal they help with the swelling and reduce the pain i’m still taking them. don’t any lifting just get as much rest as you can. My boobs are slowly beginning to drop the nurse was impressed with my healing which still leaves me surprised because i wasn’t expecting my boobs to heal so quickly. but i still have to deal with the scaring which i hope in time will fade. in five days time i will see my boobs for the first time without dressings. Hope that helps!


    Thank you yeh it has helped! I thought I’d be in pain for a lot longer but I know everyone is different! So nervous about walking down to get it done but excited about it all at the same time :) bet you can’t wait to see your new boobs without dressings on! Sounds like mr c is deff the man for the job of uplift and ba! Xx


    to be honest with you on the day of my ba i had my period so i was pretty much out of it to begin with as i suffer from really awful periods i don’t remember the needle going in my arm but i do remember waking up to new breasts !

    too be honest with you forget about being nervous ( yes easy for me to say ) but think of it this way you now have the opportunity to have the breasts you’ve always wanted and the walk down the corridor will be the beginning of a new chapter in your life a new body a new you


    Does anyone have pictures of uplift with implants my op is 26th June and I’m so scared I’m doing the right thing! Xxx

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