breathing weird? Started by: Leanne

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  • Leanne 41

    Hi all, im currently on day 3 po, iv been fairly ok so far, my only pain seems to be in one of my incisions, mainly just when im moving (altho sometimes it literally feels like its tearing open! But its obviously not as my dressings are still clean) but tonight since i got in bed i feel like im really having to try to hard to breathe normally? My head also feels like its full of pressure… (sorry only way i can describe!) If i sit up properly it seems to be ok so i dont know if im just so exhausted that im imagining things lol or have any you girls felt similar? Its just a very strange feeling and because im worrying i cant fall asleep even tho im shattered! Thanks x

    Abbie 43

    Hi Leanne, don’t worry. My breathing has been a bit strange, think it’s the pressure on my chest and it’s not helped by the breast band. I find it hard to catch my breath sometimes too when I’m talking and it hurts to laugh! Dreading needing to sneeze!
    Pressure in your head is probably just tiredness, and maybe a tension headache. It’s hard on your muscles sleeping upright.
    Trey not to worry. Hope you sleep well xx

    Leanne 41

    Thanks abbie, i dont have a band or anything so iv got i pretty easy compared to some, i think i probably am just overthinking! Hope you are doing ok and also manage to sleep! Xx

    Lorna 3

    Oh the sneezing is horrific! I can never just sneeze once eitherz, I was in agony :-/ xx

    Leanne 41

    I managed the sneezing ok, i had a mini panic attack when i felt it coming haha but it didnt seem to hurt that bad, the one stupid thing i did do yesterday i went for a walk and TWICE i jumped a mile when a wasp flew past me, both times i felt like i totally dislodged my boobs ?? was horrible xx

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