Bristol past or current Started by: Claire

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  • Claire 14

    Any Bristol patients here past or present, be nice to here your stats and story , how are your scars healing etc?
    I’m due to have op 25th August ?? uplift with implants

    Ellen 8


    I’m a Bristol patient, going back today for my second post-op appointment.

    I also had an uplift with implants. I’m 5’7, size 10 and had 350cc overs. I’m nearly 7 weeks post-op and I think my scars look great! I’ll post a photo here if you like?

    Ellen xxx

    Claire 14

    Yes that would be lovely! Wht size were u pre op as having 300/325 hp

    Ellen 8

    I reckon I was around a B cup, but an empty B. I’m not really sure what I was but not big. This photo was earlier this week xx

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Ellen 8.
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    Claire 14

    Wow! They look amazing! Who was your surgeon? Do u have a before pic? I need to go back have have bloods taken as the courier didn’t pic them up so gotta go back Tuesday for them to be re done

    Ellen 8

    Thank you! My surgeon was Mr Giannas. I’ve tried uploading a photo but for some reason it won’t let me xx

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Ellen 8.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Ellen 8.
    Claire 14

    Thank you for the reassurance, I didn’t know I needed an uplift until I went for a consultation so I was a little shell shocked


    Can I ask if you had HP or MP
    I’m booked in on Tuesday to have an removal of 460cc HP, uplift and new 275cc or 300cc HP.. but worried about having HP again. Yours are amazing!

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