Calling All Mommies Started by: staceylouise90

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    Hey girls I’m just over 38 weeks pregnant and have noticed (sorry to sound gross) a big increase in discharge, it’s really irritating, also I’ve had diarrhoea the other day (sorry TMI) I’ve also had twinges of dull backache and the odd cramp but not enough for me to think anythings happening…has anyone else experienced this when they were nearing the end of their pregnancy and if so how long did it take for you to go into labour? I hope it’s soon I wanna meet my baby!!! Xx


    hey hunny i had my baba a week early and was in slow labour from 38 weeks she was born at 39 weeks, id just call your midwife see what she says it might be nothing but a phone call to reasure you is what u need 🙂 xx


    Awww 🙂 I’m having a girl too 😀 I just feel silly about ringing my midwife about a bit of discharge tbh :-/ how did u know u were in slow labour, what were the symptoms? Probably sounds a daft question lol I’ve had mild backache on and off but I’m not concerned cuz it’s not regular or close together, I’m probably just hoping she hurries up cuz I can’t wait to meet her xx


    Everyones different so might be something but on other hand might just be ur body getting ready for when it is time! I had my show at 33 weeks and didn’t have her until 38 weeks 5 days!!! It kept replenishing itself and coming away again.. So everytime it happend I was expecting to go into labour!!! Haha!!! Plus on the saturday I had diarreah (can’t spell it) and period type pains but they went off then early hours the weds after I went into labour so think maybe my body was preparing on the saturday for what was just about to happen! Like I say everybodys different! Keep us posted x


    Sorry 39 weeks 5 days**


    Aww I hope that happens to me..I don’t wanna go over, apparently I’m all baby as well and her head is already engaged, she’s booked me in for a sweep on my due date but rly don’t wanna have that..I want it to happen all by itself, I’ve had this heavy discharge for about a week n a makes me rly irritated and itchy cuz there’s quite a bit of’s not thrush cuz I know the difference and the discharge I’m having now is clearish and watery xx


    Do u wear pantyliners..? I religously wear them everyday!! I can’t stand the feeling of it!! X


    I think I’m gonna start wearing them cuz sometimes it’s soaked down there..sorry tmi lol just wish I knew the exact day and time of labour lol xx


    Yh I would you’ll feel so much more comfortable! Xx

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