calling all tuberous girls :) Started by: Hayley

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  • Hayley

    Hi just wondering if any other girls suffered from tubular boobs like myself and what procedures they had to correct it? As far as I know my surgeon (Dr traynor) is lowering my crease and im having 700cc, got another consultation along with pre op in October. Would love to see peoples results, very worried! lol


    hi hayley, i had tuberous boobs, one more severe than the other, if your on instagram have a look amberba550_mya2014. more than happy to show my results 🙂 x


    I think I have you on already amber, there healing really nicely 🙂 just wondered if there was many other girls the same? not many at all on this forum. ive registered to another one which theres bit more support anyways lol xx


    Hi there – i had my op on friday just gone and i was sever tubular AAA cup. Feel free to add as i’m keeping u to date with photos 🙂 However i only had 400cc in, 700cc sounds MASSIVE but i guess you wanna go mega large? I’m thinking with my 400cc onto my a cup i’m probably a comfortable D cup now but looking forward to strapping being removed onf riday.

    Kirsty 2

    Hope u don’t mind the add @amberjx we have similar stats I’m having 485cc I’ve requested your Insta xx


    Hi kirsty I think I already have you as a friend also. i’ll have quick look through your photos hope u aren’t in too much pain! Who was your surgeon? I’ve heard traynor doesn’t use strapping don’t know if that’s a good thing or not lol I also think 700 is massive but I have a wide chest, size 16 also 5.8 hahaha sound like a beast compared to all the girls on here, so probably why he was offered me so big, he wrote on my notes 600, 700 or 800cc so choosing to go in middle lol xx


    Hi Hayley, I have just read your post and I’m in exactly the same situation by the sounds. I feel like I am massively running out of options. What’s the case with yours have they said you can still be operated on? I’ve been referred at transform to see a senior but I’m going to see mya next weekend as an alternative. I’m not sure what the severity of my tubular is as nobody explained anything I just feel embarrassed. Please can you share more on your story x


    As far as I know the surgeon is just going to lower my crease and by putting a big implant in and I’m having overs the implant should just drop into the new crease. It depends on the severity of ur tuberous boobs on what they will do either lower crease or give you a lift at the same time. I wouldn’t worry though if you get advice from a couple of surgeons they’ll let you know what’s best and then just go with ur gut 🙂 got another consultation in 3 weeks so ill let you know how that goes and what the definite plans are xx


    Also there is no way they wouldn’t operate on anyone and no need to be embarrassed as well there are so many other girls with the same thing they must see it all the time. Many girls have to get lowered crease even without tubular boobs. Add me if you like will be putting before nd afters on wen I get my op xx


    Sorry Hayley only just seen your response! I had Dr Singh – strapping has now been removed and i’m so much more comfortable but that being said i don’t know how i’d have felt having no strapping on from day 1? He lowered my crease, no uplift required as my breasts were so small. Looking at my 400cc (i don’t think they are very big) your 700cc sound about right for your frame but will also give you nice ample bosom ^_^


    Thank you. That’s made me feel so much better, I have been worried since Saturday.
    Aw good glad yours is getting resolved. I don’t think you realise many girls are in the sake way until you come on something like this. I will add you now xx


    Hi Hayley hope you don’t mind the add I think I may have tuberous boobs but confused because one moment they look lovely and perk (but small lol) and then another moment they look all horrible and tubey and triangler. So hope u don’t mind the add. Thinking of meeting my surgeon again and showing him some more pics as when he looked at me originally my boobs looked normal lol xx


    Hey ladies, I’m the same I didn’t think I was but Mr Singh said I was and to have 400 I’m an a cup and have a wide frame so I feel that I could go bigger as I’m wide and that would never change haha. I didn’t ask that many questions as I couldn’t think at the time as I think I was trying to take it all in. Hope you don’t mind if I add you all ladies as we are all slightly similar x

    rosey 3

    Hope you don’t mind the add kirsty x


    Lulu mine do that! But have been told they are Grade 1 tubular so quite mild but to me they seem a lot worse. Currently a 32b hoping to be around a D think I decided on 400 but just asked my PC to double check as I can’t remember what size I decided on. My op is on the 3rd November with Dr Mounir. Hope no one minds me adding them!x


    I have dr mounir for a consultation tomorrow I’m also tubular but around a grade 2. Was he ok about them esme? I’m worried he might say he can’t operate xx


    Yeah he was fine about them! He just obviously said the implant will have to go over as under would give double bubble effect and showed me pictures of what this would look like. I think also they will look much better after they have fully dropped so quite a while after the operation to give time for them to round out. My friend recently had a BA and they looked really fake at first but now 2 months on they have completely settled and look fab on her. But no Dr Mounir is so nice I haven’t met with any other surgeons as I really trust he knows what he’s doing x


    Oh good! I am so nervous as I have been to transform and they was really useless. Said I would need two operations. I think I may need an uplift also but as long as they don’t go any smaller I’m happy haha. I have heard really good things xx


    Oh dear, that’s annoying! Well good luck with your consultation tomorrow!x

    Laura R 2

    You sound like your in a similar situation to me esme, hope u dont mind me adding you.. Ive seen dr miniour and dr traynor.. But one says over and one says under.. So confusing!! X


    No not all all Laura 🙂 I have my pre op assessment today and hoping I can mention the size as apparently I decided on 350 but after reading the forum I think I may want to go bigger not sure if it’s too late now or not. Did they give u a reason for suggesting under?x

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