Calling all you uplift ladies out there Started by: Danielle

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    As stated in a previous post of mine I have been told a potentially need an uplift due to what looks like me having ‘snoopy deformity’
    Although a little disheartening at the start being told at 18 I may need an uplift I have got my head round it and feel a little more positive about it all!
    So would just like to know ladies…
    How long you had off work?
    How your scars are doing?
    Which surgeon you went with?
    How much you paid?
    What type of questions do i need to be asking at my consultation.
    I’ve been told there are several ways they might be able to fix my personal problem whether it just to be moving nipples or hopefully just using a high projection implant. Just aibt of general guidance would be much appreicated.


    I had a uplift and implants with Mr Mounir 8 weeks ago, my scars are really neat and thin. I don’t work but I would say you need to be able to take 3-4 weeks off depending on your job, I still had quite a bit pain till week 4 and you have to be really care full not to pull your incisions xx


    Thankyou for your responce Kristy Robsoer on, im not 100% sure i will need one yet but having sent my surgeon a picture and telling her the fact i have asymmetrical and tuberous breasts she warned me to fix this i might need an uplift due to the shape and breast tiisue position of my breasts. I have a consultation with her on the 24th February, and im hoping to avoid the uplift with certain type and sized implants but we can only see. Thankyou for sharing your experience, any other ladies out there please drop a message, feel so alone and down with it all at the minute :'( xx


    Aw bless good luck hun and if you do need the uplift try not too worry I was panicking over the scaring and such a big op but it has def been worth it for the end result and my incisions are so good they shouldn’t be noticeable xx


    thats what im worried about excessive scarring, pain, more time off, like i said im 18 and i feel soo silly having to have all this done because ive not got normal boobs like my friends 🙁 xx


    Would you mind is I added you Kristy? So i can see your transformation ? 🙂 xx


    Yeah of course hunx

    kathryn 1

    i’m 21 and i had an uplift in december, i know its not great needin one when your young but you feel so much better afterwards, i can’t even explain how good you’ll feel when you see them, i wish i had mine at 18 or 19, i had the anchor incisions, i’m only 7 weeks post op so my scars are still quite red and obvious but i can put scar creams on them now so i’ve started that, i can ad you so you can see my pictures if you like, in terms of work i think it depends what you do, i’m a nurse so i needed a fair bit off before i could go back to the wards, if you work in a job where you don’t do alot with your arms or lifting you should be back in two weeks, i paid 5000 for just an uplift, i didn’t get implants, when is your consultations? i found it really helpful to look at page 3 models n that (sounds pervy but was purely for research), it lets you decide what shape and size you want and you can take the pictures to your surgeon to see whether its achievable and stuff, i went with dr alleruzzo at the hospital group x


    It was a little disheartening to be told the least hun!
    I just want them fixed to be honest, i hate them:(
    Definetly im sure they’ll settle soon enough!Im still at college sat in a lecture room typing up notes so nothing too stenuious:)
    Can i ask why you opted against having implants? Just curious thats all! 🙂
    That certainly sounds like a good idea!! I might start collecting photos actually. My consultation is the 24th February, im very excited!! 😀 xx

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