Can drop & fluff reverse? Crazy question but it feel's like thats happening :-( Started by: Claudine

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  • Claudine 196

    So im 10 weeks post op today, mine were very big at first as you would expect, swollen till week 5 then swelling went down they were quite small they stayed very hard and stuck on looking until about week 7 and then they started to soften, the roundness at the top moved to a gentle slope and i felt they were filling
    out, that process continued for 2 weeks but then last week i felt they were becoming firmer again, the roundness is back and they seem to be getting smaller again allmost as if drop and fluff is in reverse, has anybody had this?
    I started off an empty 34b i had 375cc HP undrrs i didn’t want to be too big as im very petite but i felt i would be a decent size, i went right up to a 36 F whilst swollen and came down to a 34 D during the healing process, when they started to soften i was measuring a 34DD but bought some new bras yesterday and they are a 34C, could it be that the process of D&F is has gone static and will resume or can it actualy reverse possibly through over use of the muscles? I’ll post a few pics xxx

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    Claudine 196

    This was at their biggest

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    Claudine 196

    This was week 7 when i felt they were starting to drop

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    Claudine 196

    And this is how they are today, feeling very firm again, very rounded and smaller

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    Lou 101

    You will continue to D&F
    I’m very physically active and mine have taken a while to D&F but it does slowly happen.

    Also you are definitely wearing the wrong bra size. At a size 8 you’re more like a 28/30 if I were you I’d go and try on some 28E/F in Bravissimo or Debenhams. That’s the same size cup as you’re wearing now but a smaller back band.
    As a rule of thumb you add a 20 to your clothes size to get your back band (some girls might the size either side of this)

    Don’t measure anywhere that +4’s your measurement as at a 28 they will put you into a 32 back band – I’m 10 stone 6 and a size 12 and am very broad, I wear a 32, so at you’re stats you’re never in a month of Sundays a 34 back.

    I think once you get into the right back band you’ll be amazed at the size of cup you’ve got to buy to get your boobs in

    Claudine 196

    Hi Lou thanks for your reply, i know D&F can take a good while just wondered if i had actualy made the muscle start to hold on tighter again through over exersion, and my back is actualy a 32-34 but i wear the 34 because it’s allot more comfortable, i have a curvature of the spine and also if you look at this picture you can see i have a large ribcage my back does not strighten out like it should hence the wide measurement, Mr Mounir measured me at 32, M&S 32, Ann Summers and Boux avenue at 34, a 28 would barely get past my sides, i was wearing a 36 in the beginning stages as i was so swollen and also had granulation so the wider band was neccasary, the bras i bought in a 34 C yesterday were from TK Max but i also bought a 34D DKNY but they are small fitting, ive not actualy been able to have my cups measured professionaly yet because my boobs were so rigid they could not cup size me in any of the 3 stores iv’e mentioned as it was like trying to put a bra on a manequin, giving it anither week and will head to M&S for another try i just feel like in this photo they were shaping up nicely but now have gone like balls again, thankyou for your reply though xxx

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    Kate 56

    Do you have any before pics, Claudine? Xxx

    Claudine 196

    Yes kate, my pre op is at the top of this picture, i was small but did have breast tissue so i thought a 375 would take me quite a bit bigger than what i am, i was worried i would end up too big initialy! I don’t think i have boob greed as such (allthough im sure we all think that) but just suprised at them feeling smaller this week when i had allready been through the shrinking phase and started to fill out xxx

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    Claudine 196

    Theyv’e allways been small but they did have a nice shape and were firm but breastfeeding made all the volume go to the bottom then i ended up with a bad size and shape difference, obviously what i have now is 100 times better than my pre-op and ive been really happy with my surgeon so im not complaining at all im just hoping they start to grow again soon 🙂 xxx

    Lou 101

    I had 375hp unders. I’m really broad and had no breast tissue at all. I looked like a boy.
    I used to wear a 34B that the cups were empty on
    I measure 32E/F depending on the style.

    I work physically every day and (so my surgeon tells me) have very strong chest muscles.

    Maybe yours are just changing shape?


    Hi Claudine mine look really really similar to yours I had 375 and find mine are tiny on me despite being told it was quite a big implant !!! I measured a c/d . Mine are quite low down I was so happy when they were big and swollen and high lol

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