its more about trying to keep your implants in the place your surgeon stuck them in! so that they also settle currectly in their pockets…. sleeping on your side can affect the aboive two things especially in the first weeks of surgery, sleeping on your back holds the lowest risk of moving or displacing the implant and also less pain/discomfort for them in first few weeks! its hard and was my biggest fear over pain but honestly you really will cope, you just have to get creative in how you get comfy and sleep 🙂 just to mention i had never EVER slept on my back prior nor have i ever sitting up, im a pure side and stomach sleeper yet at 3 weeks post op im having great sleeps (still dont mean as soon as 6 weeks is up im not going straighhhhht back to basics lmao!) you will be fine honestly hun and itll be SO worth all the agg xxxx