Can I start to wear bra's before being checked? Started by: boobenvy23

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    I cannot get the time off work to go and have my 6 week check up so I am having to wait until the New Year to have the time (09th January). The problem is I am really fed up of these sports bra’s and them sticking out, being too bulky for all my clothes :(. Do I have to wait for the nurse to give me the OK or can I go bra shopping after I have reached the 6 week mark??

    Thanks. xx

    Lottie 2

    I’m just gonna do shopping at 6 im 3 and a half weeks now I could do now I’d say as long as skin wear incisions were dont look too sore or thin u should be ok with a proper fitting 🙂


    I would ring your clinic and speak to the nurse. It isn’t advised, but if everything looks and feels ok, then she would be best to give advice xx


    Yea I will give them a call eventhough I pretty much have my mind made up that after I have been measured I dont really want to wait any longer to start getting bra’s. I really wish bra’s were cheaper. You spend so much money on the Op and then you have spend loads restocking your underwear draw but its all fun really!!! :D.

    Excited to know my size now. If it hurts though I will wait a little while longer to start wearing them.


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